
Ketur-Test: rapid diagnostics of blood glucose

Ketur-Test is a test strip for rapid diagnosis of blood glucose levels. They are manufactured by Boehringer Mannheim from Germany and Eli Lilly from the UK. These tests are classified as diagnostic tests and are used to quickly determine blood glucose levels at home or in a healthcare setting.

Ketur-Test is a strip coated with a reagent coating that reacts to glucose in the blood. To perform the test, you apply a drop of blood to the strip, after which it will be colored depending on your glucose level. The test results can be analyzed using a special device or visually.

Ketur-Test has the international name "test strips for rapid diagnostics of blood glucose." They are also known by various synonyms, including "Glucochrome D", "Diabur-Test 5000", "Diagluc", "Ketogluc", "Accu-Chek Active Test Strips", "Accu-Chek Go Test Strips", "Test -Accutrend strips", "Glucotrend test strips", "Test strips (glucose)", "Betachek test strips" and "Gluc test strips".

Ketur-Test is available in two dosage forms - in a plastic bottle and a plastic pencil case. They are easy to use and allow you to quickly and accurately determine blood glucose levels.

The Ketur Test is one of the most popular and widely used tests for diagnosing blood glucose levels. It helps control glucose levels in diabetic patients and avoid possible complications associated with high or low blood glucose levels. In addition, the Ketur-Test can be used to screen for diabetes and prediabetes, which allows you to identify the disease at an early stage and begin timely treatment.

Thus, the Ketur-Test is a reliable and convenient way to quickly diagnose blood glucose levels. It allows patients to monitor their performance and take timely measures to maintain health.