Kidney Cups

Why are kidney calyces needed?

The renal tubules are the first stage of the urinary tract. This path begins from the glomerulus of the kidneys to the bladder itself. It is these structures that filter the blood from compounds that the body does not need and send fluid to the kidney. From the kidneys, the liquid substance is excreted into the bladder. If this process is not started on time, fluid will begin to accumulate in the body, which can lead to serious illnesses, for example:

* chronic renal failure; * uremia.

The outflow of fluid begins in the kidney itself. It is surrounded by a capsule and has a root inside. In the center of the cortex you can see the renal pelvis. The walls of the pelvis consist of two parts: * the first internal ones (collars or Fowler's points); * the remaining middle (cup) walls.

It is from these parts that the renal pelvis is formed, which ultimately join together and form the ureter

Kidney cups are a specialized surgical procedure used to treat a number of kidney and urinary tract conditions. During this operation, specific areas of the kidneys or even entire kidneys along with the kidney calyces are removed.

The kidney calyces are small cups located along the sides of each kidney. They are involved in filtering blood and are the main filters of the human kidneys. Kidney pain often occurs due to problems with blood filtration, and removing the kidney calyces can reduce inflammation and pain.

However, it is worth noting that kidney calyx removal is not the most popular treatment for kidney disease. Usually, doctors try to cure

Many studies have been devoted to the renal calyces, which have studied the main characteristics of these anatomical structures, the features of their function and evolution in the process of anthropogenesis. Thanks to such research, modern scientists can obtain important information about the biological phenomenon of cups, allowing us to understand the origins of man, the mechanisms of our development and evolutionary development in general.