Kyphosis Mobile

Kyphosis of the mobile Kyphosis is a tortuous curvature of the thoracic spine, characterized by twisting along the horizontal axis and stooping. The mobility of kyphosis is a manifestation of the segmental mobility of the chest as a whole.

Definition of Mobile Kyphosis Kyphosis mobile can have a different meaning and definition for each person. Below are several definitions of mobile kyphosis available in the literature and medicine:

*Kyphotic mobility is the ability of the spine to twist during movement or maneuvering. * This is the ability to move the shoulders back when bending the back. This is a condition in which the shoulder rotates 90 degrees towards the thoracic or cervical spine.

Reason for mobile kyphos

Mobile kyphosis occurs due to changes in the stiffness of the spine or facet joints. It is not associated with a specific spinal abnormality. In adults, this variant is often present on one or the other thoracic or costal vertebra, which is manifested either by mild weakness or pronounced isolating