
Kinetocardiogram: what is it and why is it needed?

Kinetocardiogram (KCG) is a method of studying cardiac activity based on recording the movement of the patient's chest during heart contractions. This method is non-invasive and does not require additional electrical or magnetic stimulation of the heart.

QCG can be useful in diagnosing various diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy and others. In addition, QCG can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment and monitor the patient's condition.

The CCG procedure does not require special preparation on the part of the patient and takes only a few minutes. Electrodes are connected to the patient's chest, which record the movement of the chest during heart contractions. The received data is processed by a computer, which builds a kinetocardiogram - a graphical representation of the movement of the chest as a function of time.

QCG can be performed both at rest and during physical activity. In the latter case, QCG allows one to evaluate the work of the heart under load and identify hidden forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

However, despite all the advantages, QCG cannot replace a full cardiac examination. This method is complementary and is used in combination with other diagnostic methods.

Overall, QCG is a useful tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases. It allows you to obtain information about the functioning of the heart without the use of invasive methods and can be carried out in any medical institution. If you suspect heart disease, consult a cardiologist for consultation and prescribe additional examination methods, including CCG.

Kinetocarcigram (cardiokinetogram). is part of functional diagnostics, which forms the basis for the early detection of hidden diseases of the cardiovascular system in pregnant women and newborns.

Kinetocarcinogram is a special research technique carried out during the recording of an electrocardiogram. Its main goal is the early detection of hidden pathological changes in the heart. This is an extremely important element for detecting hidden pathologies in newborns, since only doctors at the birth center can cope with these cardiac anomalies in special conditions.

What exactly is a kinetocarcinogram type of study? This is a method based on squeezing a special cuff placed on the newborn's chest (similar to putting on a cuff before measuring blood pressure), then making a wave of the hand and instantly recording an electrocardiogram. At the moment when the child takes a breath, a state of increased pressure is created at the place where the cuff is compressed, which “stimulates” the baby and dilates its capillaries. These processes are reflected in the child’s ECG. Cardiogram