Kirchner Spitz

Kirschner Knitting needle - a device for suturing soft tissues together

A Kirschner wire is a corkscrew-shaped instrument that can be used to connect muscles, bones, cartilage and other soft tissues. Kirchners are used in surgery and medicine. In this text I will tell you about what the Kirschner knitting needle is used for, how to use it, and also about its safety.

What is a Kirscher knitting needle used for? >The spoke is made of special high-strength stainless steel, as it is often subjected to heavy loads and stress during use. For soft tissues - used for medical and surgical purposes to facilitate and fix surgical sutures, connect damaged nerve trunks, stabilize and secure various displaced or fragmented structures. **Kirschner suturing of soft tissues:** In what cases are Kirschners used? * Kirschers are used for suturing tissue during plastic surgery, when fusing bone fragments - Ilizarov apparatuses. * To strengthen the attachment of muscles to bones, after injuries and operations during the restoration of damaged tissue. * How Kirschner pins are used in neurosurgery on patients' brains to help them walk after a brain injury or stroke. Advantages of using a Kirschner needle: - easy tissue fixation