Hemorrhagic Bone Cyst

A hemorrhagic bone cyst is an accumulation of blood and formed elements in the bone cavity.

This formation is a fairly rare type of tumor process and accounts for no more than 4% of all malignant bone tumors.

The mechanism of development of the disease has not been precisely studied, however, it is known that hemodynamic disturbances occur in the circulatory system in spongy bones, such as the talus, tibia, vertebral bodies, etc.

At the initial stages, the disease is characterized only by diffuse changes in the bone marrow and a slight disturbance of blood microcirculation. In this case, it is visualized mainly by radiological methods, such as radiography, CT or MRI. In advanced cases, neoplasms require the use of more invasive diagnostic methods, for example, puncture biopsy. In such cases, x-rays often show the presence of a focus of bone tissue destruction with unclear boundaries; in such situations, the use of rapid cytological diagnostics is often required.