
Prosopalgia is an unpleasant subjective feeling of tension and burning in the facial area. **Prosopalgia manifests itself** in the form of shooting, twitching pain in the face, most often in the cheeks, lower jaw, upper half of the face, forehead or upper lip. Often the sensation begins with a slight tingling, itching, numbness or tightening of the facial muscles, accompanied by severe muscle weakness. The pain is predominantly localized in the lower third of the face, usually bilateral. The pain intensifies when chewing or opening the mouth. Prosopalgia is often accompanied by motor disturbances in the form of stiffness and stiffness of the masticatory muscles. Convulsive contractions of the facial muscles give the face a peculiar frozen appearance: patients are unable to smile, raise the corners of their lips, or squint their eyes. Then the muscles of the trunk are also affected due to choreiform convulsive contractions or paresis of the limbs. Treatment of prosopalagia is aimed primarily at eliminating the pain syndrome that caused it. For pain, paracetamol and pyramidon are used in doses appropriate to the child’s age. Patients are prescribed local applications with a 50% solution of analgin, a 1% solution of novocaine, baralgin (a combination of phenobarbital with the hydrochloride of a narcotic analgesic - benzohexonium), as well as rubbing ointments - lidochlor-gel, lidocaine. 5-10 sessions of general darsonvalization have a positive effect.

Among the most common causes of prosopagnosia are *vascular*, *traumatic*, *infectious*, *toxic* and *toxic-infectious*. Infectious factors include impaired microcirculation due to general infections and neurotoxins.

Diseases such as _atherosclerosis, arteritis, vasculitis, systemic scleroderma_ also provoke prosopagnia. Due to metabolic problems, there is a deficiency of vitamins A, ascorbic acid, and B vitamins. Thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) cause changes in the balance of hormones at the level of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Such diseases often cause fainting, weakness, tremors of the limbs, a feeling of heat, sweating of the palms and feet, and loss of coordination of movements. The perceptive and vasomotor centers are susceptible to the influence of endocrine disorders. Severe pain syndrome causes mental disorders, fear complexes are formed, emotional reactivity decreases, and vegeta appears