Bed Estimated

Article “Estimated bed”


Today I want to talk about such an item as a bed. People usually think of a bed as a place to rest and sleep, but that's not all of its functions. In this article we will look at what a bunk is, what tasks it performs, and what types of bunks there are.

Definition of a bunk. A bed is a standard place for sleeping for military personnel, law enforcement officers, as well as prisoners in prison. Upon dismissal or transfer, an employee is entitled to one container for up to 15 years. But, if he decides not to leave the territory, then the container remains with the employee during the entire time of service in the unit.

Beds serve for comfortable rest and are also an item for storing personal belongings. I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail. It is necessary to understand that personal belongings are an integral part of a military personnel. In addition to clothes and shoes, this could be a sickness certificate, an identity card, important documents, flash drives and much more!

An equally important aspect of the bunk is its safety. One of the requirements of regulatory documentation is high-quality cleaning of all surfaces of the bed and maintaining cleanliness throughout the room. A standard bed can be single-tiered or two-tiered. One bunk is equipped with wooden beams and two or three across