Voskresensky Symptom

Resurrection symptom: what is it and how to use it in diagnosis

In medicine, there are many methods for diagnosing various diseases. One such method is the use of symptoms. Symptoms are signs that indicate the presence or absence of a specific disease. One of the most famous symptoms is Voskresensky.

The Voskresensky symptom got its name in honor of the domestic doctor V.M. Voskresensky, who lived at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. This symptom is used in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is expressed as follows: when pressing on the right ilium, the patient feels pain in the right hypochondrium.

The Resurrection symptom is one of the signs indicating the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, it may indicate the presence of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholangitis, appendicitis and other diseases.

To use the Resurrection symptom in diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the patient and press on the right ilium. If the patient experiences pain in the right hypochondrium, this may indicate the presence of a gastrointestinal tract disease.

It is important to note that the Resurrection symptom is not sufficient to make a diagnosis. It should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic methods, such as laboratory and instrumental studies.

Thus, the Resurrection symptom is one of the signs that can be used in the diagnosis of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, for accurate diagnosis it is necessary to use it in combination with other diagnostic methods. If you suspect that you have a gastrointestinal tract disease, you should consult a doctor for an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

V. M. Voskresensky and his symptom The Voskresensky symptom is a diagnostic sign that is used to identify pathological changes in the patient’s lungs. This symptom was described by the domestic doctor V.M. Voskresensky in 1884.

**Description of symptom**

To diagnose a disease of the bronchi or lungs, the doctor asks the patient to lie on his side and raise his upper leg. In this case, the doctor performs percussion of the patient’s chest, that is, taps the ribs and sternum. The doctor notes the frequency of the percussion sound. The sound should be pulmonary, which indicates the absence of pathological changes in the lungs. If in a patient with respiratory tract diseases the sound changes with a given movement, this will mean the presence of pathological processes. Most often, this disease is lung diseases: pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, post-infarction lung damage and others. Also, the symptom may indicate pathologies of the esophagus, stomach ulcers, and hepatomegaly. If the pathological process is localized in the vessels of the lower extremities, the vessels cease to participate in the blood supply and exhibit pathological sound, the differential sound will disappear. The sound of the lower lungs is associated with impaired gas exchange. The stetophonestra pulse gives a sympathetic sound over the epigastric region. The type of pathological breathing is associated with a decrease in the excursion of the lungs and a slight expansion of the acinar structures in which oxygen exchange processes occur. The type of pulmonary pneumosclerosis is associated with a weakening of alveolar breathing and a decrease in intrabronchial pressure.