Parovarian cyst

Parovarian cyst: symptoms, causes and treatment

Parovarian cyst, also known as ovarian cyst, is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women. It occurs as a result of the formation of a fluid-filled cavity in an ovarian cyst. In this article we will look at the symptoms, causes and treatment of parovarian cysts.

Symptoms of a parovarian cyst

Symptoms of a parovarian cyst can vary and depend on its size and location. Some women may have no symptoms, while others may have the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area
  2. Unusual vaginal discharge
  3. Menstrual irregularities
  4. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse
  5. Increased belly size
  6. Increased fatigue and weakness

Causes of parovarian cysts

Parovarian cysts can occur in women of all ages, but most often they form in women aged 20 to 40 years. The reasons for their occurrence can be different, but the most common are the following:

  1. Disorders of the ovaries and hormonal balance
  2. Heredity
  3. Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  4. Pelvic injuries
  5. Surgical interventions in the ovarian area

Treatment of parovarian cyst

Treatment for a parovarian cyst depends on its size, nature and the symptoms it causes. In most cases, small cysts do not require treatment and can resolve on their own. However, if the cyst is large or painful, surgery may be required.

The operation can be performed either openly, when the surgeon makes a small incision in the abdominal wall, or using laparoscopy, when the intervention is performed through small incisions in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the ovary, but this is very rare.

In conclusion, parovarian cyst is a common condition in women. Although it does not always require treatment, women who have cyst symptoms should see a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Early consultation with a doctor can help prevent possible complications and keep a woman healthy.

A parovarian cyst is a benign formation that develops from the epididymis. It has a capsule that surrounds it and prevents growth. The cyst can be single or multiple, have different sizes and shapes.

The causes of parovarian cysts can be different, but most often it is associated with a hormonal imbalance in the body. This can happen due to inflammatory processes in the genitals, menstrual irregularities, abortions, infections and other factors.

A parovarian cyst may be asymptomatic, but sometimes it can cause abdominal pain, discomfort, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. If the cyst increases in size, it can put pressure on surrounding organs and cause problems with their function.

To diagnose a parovarian cyst, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, as well as blood and urine tests. Treatment for a cyst depends on its size and symptoms. In some cases, surgical removal of the cyst may be necessary.

Thus, a parovarian cyst is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. It is important to see a doctor if any symptoms appear to avoid serious complications.