Middle Neck Cyst

Cervical Cyst Median, also known as a median cervical cyst, is a pathological mass that occurs in the midline area of ​​the neck. It is formed from the reduced thyroglossal duct, which is an embryonic formation responsible for the formation of certain structures of the neck and head.

Median cervical cyst is a relatively rare disorder and can present at any age, but is most often diagnosed in childhood and adolescence. It is usually a bubble-like formation located in the area of ​​the anterior neck, between the muscles and tissues of the neck.

The cause of the formation of a median neck cyst is the incomplete closure of the thyroglossal duct during embryonic development. This duct usually regresses and disappears during fetal development, but in some cases it may remain open, leading to the formation of a cyst.

The clinical manifestations of a midline neck cyst may vary depending on its size and location. Small cysts may be asymptomatic and may be an incidental finding during neck examination for other reasons. Larger cysts can put pressure on surrounding tissues and organs, leading to various symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swallowing and voice changes.

Various examinations may be used to diagnose a median cervical cyst, including ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These methods allow you to determine the size, shape and location of the cyst, which helps in planning treatment measures.

Treatment for midline neck cysts may include conservative or surgical approaches. Small and asymptomatic cysts may not require active treatment and may be observed over time. However, in cases where the cyst causes symptoms or is large, it may need to be removed surgically.

Surgical removal of a cyst can be done using a variety of techniques, including conventional cyst extirpation or endoscopic surgery. The choice of method depends on the characteristics of each specific case and must be determined by a medical specialist.

In general, median neck cyst is a relatively rare disease that requires careful diagnosis and a comprehensive approach to treatment. Early detection and diagnosis play an important role in preventing possible complications and ensuring the best outcome for the patient. Therefore, if symptoms related to the cervical region appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment.

It is important to note that this article provides general information about the Median Cervical Cyst and is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional. If you suspect you have a median cervical cyst or other medical problem, it is recommended that you consult a qualified physician for professional medical advice and treatment.

A median cervical cyst, also known as a cystic hygroma, is a soft, usually painless, spherical or oval mass usually located on the anterior surface of the neck. It can be associated with injuries, strains and inflammatory processes. In this case, we are talking about the median type of cyst, which is characterized by the presence of salivary glands and elements of the masticatory muscles (in children, such cysts can be located in the cheek area). Occurs due to a developmental disorder