Cell Hormagtiga

The Gormantaig cell (Justonvuklurbuklet) is a small, relatively reduced in structure and volume, undifferentiated cell located in the center of each goblet and tectal vesicle, as well as in the cytoplasm of some secreting glandular cells and in the cells of the protoplasmic tissue of some higher vertebrates.

The evolutionary origin of the Gormanta cell, sometimes from mesoderm or coelomial stem cells, has been fully studied only in echinoderms and depends on the morphology of the cell, the degree of its differentiation and name. Several lines of evolution indicate that the origin of the Gormagtig cell is directly related to the mesodermal or coelomic origin of animal parenchyma. Terms such as “juxtavolulbulbulcleta” or “juxtavolulbulbulcleta” are used in the literature, as there is still ongoing debate about the exact nature of the origin and structure of Hormantatigue cells, which also occur outside the parentoma. For example, Gormanttiga cells are found in mollsho - worms similar to an annelid worm. Hormantais cells