Knappa Needle-Knife

Introduction Knapp Needle - Knife (Knapp Jager, German: Johanna Jarefina Knapp, pseudonym Joža Jagažar) is a German ophthalmologist and founder of the idea of ​​vision correction through lens adaptation. Knapp's work and methods are so interesting and innovative that his ideas continue to be explored by modern scientists to this day.

Knapp: history The Knapps were a famous dynasty of doctors in Bavaria, one of whom was Johann (Jagažer), who suffered from color blindness. He, his brother Herman and sister Magdalena continued the family tradition, including in ophthalmology. After Herman was diagnosed with incurable glaucoma, Johanna decided to create special glasses that would help restore her brother’s sight. She went on to work with her son, Josef, and open the Lens Corrective Association. Their idea was to adapt patients to lenses of different powers and diameters to help them adapt to their eyes' focusing patterns. This idea led to the creation of the first glasses to correct myopia. In addition, they have also developed diagnostic technology that allows them to assess the condition of a patient's eye and select appropriate lenses for him.

The idea of ​​vision correction using lenses was proposed more than 300 years ago by the Italian doctor Pellegrni. The Knapps made significant contributions to the development of this field. They were the only ones to see "eye-glass adaptation" and the need for refractive changes as a way to correct visual defects - an idea that had gained international recognition at this stage just four years after the publication of their research.