Book of Delivery of Goods

Goods Delivery Book: An Important Accounting and Control Tool

The goods delivery book is an integral component in the system of accounting and control of goods turnover. It plays a key role in organizing and tracking the process of supplying goods from manufacturer to consumer. In this article we will look at this important tool in more detail and get acquainted with its main characteristics.

Country of origin and pharmaceutical group

The book for importing goods described in this article is produced in Russia. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of consumables. This means that this book is used to record and track the supply of goods that are consumed in the process of carrying out a certain activity.

Manufacturers and international name

The main manufacturer of the goods delivery book is the Voskhod company from Russia. They specialize in producing various types of books and office supplies. The international name for this type of book is “Book”.


The goods delivery book has several synonyms that reflect its functional purpose and specific use. Among them: “Garn book (cage)”, “Garn book (line)”, “Cashier operator’s book”, “Cash report book”, “Receipt book (large)”, “Receipt book (small)”, “Small wholesale book accounting", "Book of incorrectly written prescriptions", "Book of incorrectly manufactured goods" and others. These synonyms reflect various aspects of the use of the goods import book in various fields of activity.

The role and significance of the goods delivery book

The goods delivery book is an important accounting and control tool that helps organizations effectively manage their inventories and monitor the supply process. It allows you to track the number of incoming goods, record information about suppliers, delivery date, cost and other important details. Also, the goods delivery book can be used for reporting, analysis and planning of goods requirements.

It is important to note that the correct maintenance of a book for the delivery of goods is a mandatory requirement for many organizations, especially in the field of trade and production. This allows you to avoid accounting errors, control financial flows and ensure uninterrupted supply of goods to consumers.


The goods delivery book is an integral tool for accounting and control of trade turnover, which plays an important role in organizing and managing the supply of goods. It allows you to record information about deliveries, track inventory, control financial flows and ensure the smooth functioning of your business.

The book for the delivery of goods, produced in Russia by the Voskhod company, is under the international name “Book”. Its synonyms reflect a variety of uses, including accounting for cash transactions, accounting for deliveries and receipts, and monitoring the accuracy of prescriptions and manufactured goods.

This accounting tool is necessary for various fields of activity, especially for trading and manufacturing companies. It helps optimize the supply process, minimize the risks of losses and accounting errors, and ensure compliance with financial reports and legal requirements.

In conclusion, the goods delivery book is an indispensable tool for effective accounting and control of goods deliveries. It helps organizations maintain transparent and accurate accounting, ensure uninterrupted supply and efficient inventory management.