Impregnation of Clothes

First, let's figure out what impregnation is?
Impregnation is a material processing process that allows you to improve its properties and characteristics. In this case we are talking about clothing that can be treated with impregnation to improve its quality and durability.

Impregnation is the process of impregnating a material with various substances that improve its properties. For example, clothing can be impregnated with water-repellent agents, making it more resistant to moisture and dirt. Impregnation can also be used to improve the breathability of the fabric, which will help maintain wearing comfort.

One of the most common ways to impregnate clothing is to treat it with water-repellent substances. This allows you to protect clothes from moisture and dirt, making them more durable and convenient to use. In addition, impregnation can help maintain the shape of clothing by preventing it from shrinking or stretching.

However, it should be remembered that impregnation is not a panacea for all problems with clothing. It can help improve its properties, but cannot completely replace proper care and washing. Therefore, if you want to keep your clothes in good condition, then you should pay attention to their proper care and use.