Who's Spongioform Pustules

Kogoj spongiform pustules (f. Kogoj) are a rare skin disease that is characterized by the formation of multiple pustules on the skin of the face and body. It was described in 1925 by Yugoslav dermatologist František Kogoj.

Kogoya spongiform pustules usually occur in young people aged 15 to 30 years. They can be single or multiple, and can appear on any area of ​​the skin, including the face, neck, chest, back and arms.

Symptoms of the disease include the formation of pustules, which may be covered with a white coating. They usually have a diameter of about 1-2 mm and are filled with purulent contents. The pustules may feel painful when touched.

Treatment for coy spongioform pustules involves the use of topical corticosteroid medications, which help reduce inflammation and swelling. Antibiotics may also be used to fight the infection.

The prognosis for cogo spongiform pustule is usually favorable, but the disease can recur due to decreased immunity or other factors.

Spongy pustular skin diseases Provoke the appearance of pustules by demographic, professional and, most likely, psychological factors. They appear against a background of dissatisfaction with themselves in middle-aged patients who are suspicious, anxious, distrustful, and irritable. The disease often develops with neuroses. In men, pustulosis can appear as a manifestation of pathology in the functioning of the ovaries or pituitary gland, as well as injury, after taking antibiotics from the tetracycline group, or with arsenic intoxication. In women, the pustule is explained by infection of the genital organs, hormone fluctuations, stress, and allergies. In children, pustulosis develops against the background of mental problems, vitamin deficiency, overwork, frequent infectious diseases, and hypothermia.

Kogoya Spongioform Empties can be found all over a person’s body and this does not mean that he is unhealthy. Such formations occur regularly and are repeated in the majority.

They are often mistakenly called acne, but this is only the first symptom of the disease.

Acne, in turn, can appear even in a healthy person due to hormonal changes in the body and improper skin care.

Spongiofors papules can occur due to endocrine disorders in the female body, or be a consequence of taking oral contraceptives. Women should consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

The disease is successfully treated with a course of antibiotics, and a dermatologist decides how to treat spongiform papules in men. After a course of antibiotics, you need a diet.