
Colic is spasmodic paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, occurring due to convulsive contractions of the smooth muscles of the hollow organs of the abdominal cavity and hollow organs located outside it (ureters, fallopian tubes).

The term "colic" comes from the Greek word "kolikos", which means "suffering from pain in the intestines."

The causes of colic can be very different. Most often, colic occurs due to dietary disorders, constipation, helminthic infestation, and nervous system disorders. Colic can also be associated with inflammatory, infectious and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, and genital organs.

There are several types of colic depending on the location: intestinal, renal, hepatic, uterine and others.

Colic is characterized by sudden, cramping abdominal pain that lasts from several minutes to several hours. Pain can radiate to different areas. The cramping nature of the pain and its frequency are the hallmarks of colic.

Treatment of colic is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused its occurrence, as well as at pain relief and restoring normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Antispasmodics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures are used. It is important to follow a diet and drink enough fluids. If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical treatment may be required.

Prevention of colic consists of timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genital organs, as well as normalization of stool, diet, work and rest regime.

Colic: causes, symptoms and treatment

Colic is a sudden attack of sharp, cramping pain caused by prolonged convulsive spasm of the muscles of the abdominal organs. The disease can be caused by various reasons, depending on which organ is affected. In this article we will look at the main types of colic, their causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

Intestinal colic

According to medical research, intestinal colic is the most common type of colic. It can be caused by eating indigestible food, the presence of worms, inflammatory processes, scars and adhesions, as well as intense fermentation or putrefactive processes in the intestines. There are appendicular and rectal (rectal) colic.

Appendiceal colic is characterized by prolonged pain of increasing intensity in the right lower half of the abdomen. Rectal colic is characterized by frequent, including false, painful urges to defecate. Intestinal colic can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating and distension in the abdomen, and various cramping pains.

When pressing on the abdomen, the pain decreases. Self-medication of intestinal colic is unacceptable. In the event of an attack of severe pain, you should immediately call a doctor.

Hepatic colic

With hepatic colic, pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, spreads more in the upper half of the abdomen and often radiates to the right shoulder, to the right subscapular region. There is dry mouth, a feeling of bitterness, nausea, vomiting, and a rise in temperature. The duration of attacks can range from several minutes to several hours.

Pancreatic colic

With pancreatic colic, the pain is girdling and radiates to the back. The duration of attacks can also range from several minutes to several hours.

Renal colic

With renal colic, unusually severe pain appears in the abdomen and lumbar region, usually radiating to the groin and genitals, accompanied by an increased painful urge to urinate. The patient is restless, rushing about in search of a comfortable position. These attacks often occur after physical stress or jolting driving.

Lead colic

When lead poisoning occurs, lead intestinal colic occurs, accompanied by attacks of severe pain. The abdomen is retracted, the abdominal wall is tense. Long-term constipation is observed, and there is a gray border on the gums.

Treatment of colic

Treatment for colic depends on its cause and may include both drug therapy and surgery. In the event of an attack of severe pain, you must call an ambulance.

For intestinal colic, a cleansing enema or warm compresses on the abdomen can help. However, before using any procedures, you should consult your doctor.

With pancreatic colic, a hot bath can aggravate the situation, so its use is unacceptable. In case of renal colic, a hot bath, on the contrary, can reduce pain.

You should not self-medicate colic by taking painkillers or using various procedures, as this can lead to complications and make it difficult to diagnose the disease.


Colic is a serious condition that requires medical attention. In the event of an attack of severe pain, you must immediately call an ambulance. Treatment of colic should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

There are many different diseases in the world that affect people's lives. Colic is one such disease that causes immense discomfort and limits the normal functioning of the body. Colic is the name given to periodic paroxysmal abdominal pain in a child under one year of age, the cause of which is irritation of the intestinal mucosa by food or gases accumulated during the digestion of food. The occurrence of colic is associated with the development of the gastrointestinal tract in children of the first year of life - the immaturity of its motor function. At the same time, there are quite a lot of nerve endings in the intestinal walls, which fire more intensely as its walls are irritated. This can occur both when food enters the intestines, and when gas accumulates after feeding. Often, the onset of colic is accompanied by abnormal bowel movements, which leads to anxiety in the baby and the occurrence of spasms. As a result, the child begins to cry, scream and kick his legs, clenching them into fists. As a rule, colic lasts about 3 hours, after which the child calms down and can start playing and eating food again. As it turns out, some scientists are looking into the use of colic to improve the vitality of the body. The reasons for such assumptions are the symptoms of apathy and poor appetite present in patients. If such a problem occurs, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid dangerous consequences.