Colitis Invasive

Infective colitis is one of the common intestinal diseases. It can be caused by a variety of things, including parasites, a bacterial or fungal infection, or an allergic reaction to food or medication. Symptoms of this disease may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and blood in the stool. If you experience these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of invariant colitis.

Causes of colitis First, let's figure out why colitis occurs with an infectious origin. It is caused by microbes and parasites. They can be microorganisms of the genus Campylobacter. They live in water bodies, soil, and plants. So, one might say, they live everywhere. Most of them do not manifest themselves in the body and are not capable of causing disease. But if the immune system weakens, they do not prevent reproduction and cause an inflammatory process. The bacteria are very resistant to antibiotics. And this is their disadvantage - it is difficult for a doctor to select adequate therapy. And its duration should not be less than 14 days. Microbial invasion never begins immediately after infection. It develops gradually, so the symptoms of the disease can manifest in different ways. Bacterial colitis begins with acute gastritis and rapid fever. A person experiences stomach pain and diarrhea. Then comes a period of inhibition, accompanied by a decrease in symptoms, which ends with a new surge. It is important to understand that the digestive system is a nutritious place for microbes (it has a lot of nutrients). For this reason, the body will have to fight these pathogens by increasing immune defense. Otherwise, the problem would not go away on its own. After such an exacerbation, enteritis occurs with characteristic symptoms (fever, decreased appetite). Then a clinical picture of typhoid fever or chronic renal failure may develop. As a rule, pathogens are ingested along with food and its components: - drinks; - fermented milk products; - confectionery products; - meat dishes; - smoked meats, including homemade ones. There is no single treatment regimen suitable for all patients. Often, if the patient simply takes antibiotics, the disease returns. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics or alternative medications. Followers of alternative medicine always recommend drinking herbal teas. Their effectiveness is assessed by photo. Although they can help, the use of strong medications will eliminate the problem much faster. You need to monitor your diet and talk to your doctor. Most often, this pathology is caused by antibiotics. Some patients forget to take them until the end of the course. Others accidentally skip their morning pill. Symptoms of the pathological condition depend on the cause. Patients note various factors and complaints. These include pain, discomfort in the abdominal area, flatulence, vomiting and nausea,