Colitis Cystic

Intestinal gland cyst is a term that refers to a pathological process characterized by the formation of many small cysts in the walls of the large intestine and outside it. This disease can manifest itself as dilation of the intestinal walls, increased volume and blurring of intestinal bends, as well as disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract. In this text we will talk about the main symptoms of the disease, the reasons for its development and methods of treatment.

Intestinal cysts - what is it? This disease is a chronic form of expansion of the walls of the small and large intestines. With this disease, small cysts appear on the mucous membrane of various parts of the digestive tract, and their sizes can be very different - from one to several millimeters. After scarring, the lining turns into fibrovascular tissue, which causes the intestinal wall to continue to expand. This pathological condition can appear at any age. Middle-aged people (from 30 to 45 years old) are most susceptible to developing cystic colitis; men suffer from this disease much more often than women. In many cases, this disease is hereditary in nature, and in the family of some patients, the development of intestinal cystosis in relatives has been noted more than once. But it is also possible that it is congenital, that is, it develops in the womb. One of the most famous “helpers” of intestinal cystosis is diabetes mellitus. Complications of this disease, in addition to the proliferation of cysts and an increase in the size of the intestine, are complemented by the formation of polyps both on the inner surface of the intestine and on the outside. The presence of cystic formations in the intestines leads to difficulty in normal digestion, food fermentation, and absorption of nutrients. In addition, the presence of large cysts inevitably disrupts the process of passing feces through the intestines. The resulting fermentation mixture leads to bloating of the intestines and often to attacks of severe abdominal pain. The normal course of digestion processes, in turn, causes a noticeable decrease in appetite, weight loss and often the loss of a large amount of useful substances, as a result of which the body weakens. Often, patients with this disease experience constipation, diarrhea, and the release of blood impurities, which indicates a complication of the disease and requires the use of medications. Cysts can appear not only in the wall of the colon itself, but also in its submucosal zone and even on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. For example, clusters