Colitis Segmental

Segmental colitis

**Segmental colitis** is inflammation of the large and small intestines at the same time. This disease is inflammatory in nature and occurs in chronic and acute forms. It is more common in adults than in children. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of intestinal tissue, walls with damage to the mucous membrane, submucosal layer, as well as hyperplasia and proliferation of glands with the development of polyps and subsequent tumor. The first signs of symptoms manifest themselves differently in all patients, some in an acute form, some in a latent form. The pathological process is characterized by acute diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, flatulence, and dehydration. The diagnosis is made on the basis of physical and instrumental examination of patients, which includes palpation, percussion and auscultation of the abdomen, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, endoscopy, coprogram, stool analysis for fecal calprotectin