
Kollapan-L: an innovative product for filling bone cavities

In modern medicine, new technologies and drugs are constantly being developed to improve the results of surgical interventions and the treatment of various diseases. One of these innovative products is Kollapan-L, developed in Russia by the Intermedapatit company.

Kollapan-L belongs to the pharmaceutical group of drugs for filling bone cavities. It is a set of products consisting of hydroxyapatite with collagen and medicines. The drug is intended for use in various areas of bone surgery, including dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, spine surgery, purulent surgery, thoracic surgery and military field surgery.

Kollapan-L is presented in the form of granules, plates and gel, which are sterile. The drug has registration certificate No. 29/1309100. It has the properties of a carrier of medicinal substances such as lincomycin hydrochloride, gentamicin sulfate, metronidazole, dioxidin, claforan, rifampicin, isoniazid. This allows you to choose a drug that specifically targets the causative agent of the disease.

One of the main advantages of Kollapan-L is its versatility and wide range of applications. It can be used to fill bone cavities and defects, as well as to treat purulent complications. The drug is highly effective and helps speed up the process of bone tissue regeneration, which contributes to a faster recovery for the patient.

One of the special instructions for the use of Kollapan-L is that it is supplied in ready-to-use sterile packages. Each package contains a certain number of granules designed to fill a specific volume of bone cavity or bone defect. This ensures accurate dosage and simplifies the process of using the drug.

Kollapan-L is produced by the Russian company Intermedapatit, which is one of the leading manufacturers of medical products in the country. Additional information about the drug can be found on the company’s official website at www.collapan.ru.

In conclusion, Kollapan-L is an innovative product for filling bone cavities, developed by the Russian manufacturer Intermedapatit. Its wide spectrum is Kollapan-L - a drug for filling bone cavities, developed by the Intermedapatit company in Russia. It is a set of products containing hydroxyapatite with collagen and medicines. Kollapan-L is used in various fields of bone surgery, including dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery and others.

The drug is presented in the form of granules, plates and gel, which are sterile. It has properties as a carrier of medicinal substances such as antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. Kollapan-L can be used to fill bone cavities and defects, as well as to treat purulent complications. It promotes bone tissue regeneration and accelerates the recovery process.

The drug is supplied in sterile packaging intended for single use. Each package contains a certain number of granules or other forms of the drug, sufficient to fill a specific volume of bone cavity or defect. This ensures accurate dosage and ease of use.

Intermedapatit company is one of the leading manufacturers of medical products in Russia. Additional information about Kollapan-L can be found on the company’s official website or from medical specialists.

It is important to note that I provided information about Kollapan-L based on my knowledge, which was current as of September 2021. It is recommended that you consult current sources of information or consult your healthcare professional for the most current information about this drug.