
Collimation is the process of aligning the optical axes of two or more devices, such as telescopes, laser rangefinders, and other instruments that use optical systems to obtain information.

Collimation is an important step in the setup and calibration of optical systems, especially in cases where it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of measurements or observations. It allows you to align the optical axes of devices so that they are directed at one point or one object.

The collimation process uses special devices such as collimation prisms, collimators and collimation mirrors. They allow you to change the angle of inclination of the optical axes, ensuring their alignment.

It is important to note that collimation must be carried out with high precision and accuracy to avoid errors in measurements and observations. In addition, collimation can be used to create collimation systems that are used in various fields of science and technology, for example, in medicine, geodesy, astronomy and others.

Collimation in military affairs is the process of constructing the aiming trajectory of an artillery shot in such a way that it passes through a given intersection of the axes of the guns, and so that the line of intersection of the lines of sight (base) of the optical tube after the shot coincides with the center line of the gun.

Basic collimation conditions: parallel to the axis of the bore