
For centuries, human skin has been the object of attention of scientists and doctors. The skin, a human appendage, is often called the mirror of our health. She is the first to inform us of an onset of illness or disease. For the most part, due to sensitivity, the onset of pain on the skin is preceded by changes in other organs and systems. They sense danger signals already

**Comedone** is one of the types of acne that is in the development stage. It is a collection of sebaceous glands clogged with a plug of dead skin cells and breakdown products. Comedones can vary in size and color, from whiteheads to blackheads. Some of them can appear on the face, chest, back and even stomach.

Comedones occur due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and their excessive secretion. This occurs due to inflammation and clogged skin pores, which become clogged with dirt, sebum and dead cells. As a result, dry crusts and blackheads appear. Some comedones can become inflamed and fester, which can lead to skin infection.

There are different methods to combat comedones. The most common method is mechanical cleansing of the facial skin. During this procedure, a professional cosmetologist uses special tools to remove comedones and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Chemical peels, treatment masks, creams and serums are also used to combat acne.

However, the choice of method to combat comedones depends on the stage of the disease, the cause of its occurrence and the individual characteristics of the body. If comedones do not cause inflammation, then you should consult a cosmetologist for regular skin care. If comedones constantly bother you, become very inflamed and fester, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

In general, comedones are a fairly common problem for many people, especially teenagers and young women. This problem can be exacerbated by hormonal imbalance, poor diet and low physical activity. However, with the right approach and regular care, you can cope with this problem and maintain healthy skin for many years.