Virus Complementation One-Way

**Complementarity of viruses** or complementary transmission is the transmission of a virus from one organism to another depending on the functional state of the recipient. With complementary reproduction, all the properties of both parent organisms are crossed in the offspring. Viruses of at least two genetic subtypes produce unmixed offspring. For the standard to function, a complement-active system must be created outside the host body. The name itself - complementors - means that the actions of all tests must be the basis for another test. During operation, complementary tests accept and transmit only those forms that already have basic properties

Unilateral complementation (synonym for: non-recycling complementation, non-reciprocal complementation, nonreciprocal complementation) is a process in which two homologous genome sequences of the same virus (for example, two different strains of the same virus) are combined using genetic engineering methods and then covalently combine epitopes and functional properties proteins or based on non-genetic compounds. This procedure can be used