Concor Cor

Concor Cor: Beta1 blocker, heart health helper

Concor Cor, also known as Bisoprolol, is a pharmacological drug belonging to the group of cardioselective beta1-blockers. This medicine has a wide range of uses and is popular in medical practice. Concor Cor is produced in Germany by Merck KGaA.

The main active substance of the drug is Bisoprolol. It acts on beta1-adrenergic receptors in the heart, blocking them and thereby reducing the frequency and force of heart contractions. This reduces the load on the heart and lowers blood pressure.

The main indications for use of Concor Cor include arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), angina pectoris (pain in the heart), post-infarction period and moderate, stable chronic heart failure. The drug helps reduce the symptoms of these conditions and improve the quality of life of patients.

However, there are several contraindications to the use of Concor Cor. It is not recommended for hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, sinus bradycardia (decrease in heart rate less than 45-50 beats per minute), sick sinus syndrome, second or third degree sinus or AV node block, cardiogenic shock, acute or refractory treatment of severe heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg), severe obstructive respiratory failure, pregnancy and lactation.

There are also restrictions on the use of the drug in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, severe bronchial asthma, variant angina (Prinzmetal), tendency to bradycardia, first-degree AV block, peripheral circulatory disorders (including Raynaud's syndrome), diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, thyrotoxicosis, psoriasis , impaired liver and kidney function, acidosis and in children (safety and effectiveness of use in children have not been determined).

There may be some side effects when using Concor Cor. Some of them affect the nervous system and may include dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, depression, delirium, and visual and hearing problems. Digestive symptoms may also occur, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Some patients may experience cold extremities due to peripheral vasoconstriction. Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur, including hives and facial swelling.

The dosage of Concor Cor should be determined by your doctor and is usually started with the minimum effective dose and gradually increased if necessary. It is not recommended to stop taking the drug suddenly, as this may worsen the condition. If it is necessary to discontinue the drug, the dose should be gradually reduced.

It is important to see your doctor or get advice before you start taking Concor Cor or any other medicine. This will allow you to assess the benefits and risks of using the drug in an individual case, taking into account your health characteristics and other medications taken.

This information is not a substitute for medical advice.