The consistency of urine can be liquid, thick and moderate. A very thin consistency in all cases indicates immaturity of urine, or blockage of blood vessels, or weakness of the kidneys and urinary tract, as a result of which nothing is attracted except liquid urine, or it is attracted, but nothing is excreted except liquid urine, which is easily digestible. allocation. The liquid consistency of urine also indicates excessive consumption of water, or a too cold and dry nature, and in acute diseases - a weakness of the digestive ability and the immaturity of the urine itself, sometimes also a weakness of other forces that are completely unable to dispose of water, and it It slides out the way it came in.
This kind of liquid urine is more harmful in children than in young men, because natural urine in children is thicker than in young men; Children are moister by nature and their bodies attract moisture more strongly, this is explained by the fact that they need an excess of the substance due to growth. If, during acute fever, the urine of children becomes very thin, this means that they have moved too far from their natural state. The duration of such a phenomenon indicates the danger of the situation. If it becomes permanent, it means death. If, however, this is accompanied by favorable signs and continued strength, then thin urine indicates the appearance of boils, especially under the lower edge of the liver.
If in healthy people the urine invariably continues to remain liquid, this indicates the formation of a tumor in the place where the pain is felt. For the most part, it happens that people, when excreting liquid urine, feel pain in the lower back and kidneys, which indicates the tendency of these organs to form a tumor. If this pain and heaviness is not limited to any area, but is general, then this indicates the appearance of acne, smallpox and tumors throughout the body. A sudden thinning of urine before a crisis warns of a secondary attack of the disease.
Very thick urine in most cases indicates immaturity of the juices. Sometimes it indicates the ripening of juices with a thick consistency, which occurs at the end of fevers caused by juices, or the opening of tumors. In acute diseases, thick urine is often a sign of a poor outcome of the disease, but prolonged excretion of thin urine is more dangerous, because thick urine indicates the absorption of such a quantity of something that determines its consistency, and at the same time it indicates that the required absorption has occurred and the bad juices decreased as a result of the action of the expelling power of nature. Sometimes such urine indicates spoilage and a large amount of bad juices.
If they do not reach the maturity at which they fall out as precipitation, then this is a sign of a poor outcome of the disease. For the most part, conclusions are drawn by whether the release of thick urine will be followed by relief or excessive weakness. If thick urine during fevers is immediately released in large quantities, then this is a sign of recovery, and if it is released little by little, then this indicates a lot of juices and weakness of strength. Such thick urine, followed by facilitating urine of moderate consistency, is considered beneficial.
If, during acute diseases, liquid urine turns into thick urine and then, after urine is released, no relief is felt, then this indicates the melting of the body.
If a healthy person constantly produces thick urine and at the same time feels pain in the head and his whole body aches, then this means that he will get a fever. Sometimes thin urine becomes thickened due to the excess of various excesses, or as a result of the opening of abscesses, or the presence of ulcers in the region of the urinary canals.
A sign of immaturity of urine can only be its liquid or thick state, because after ripening, urine acquires a moderate consistency. Therefore, the maturation of thick urine is its transition to a liquid state, the maturation of liquid urine is that it is, as it were, boiled to a thickness.
As we said above, thick urine can be clear and transparent or cloudy. Transparent thick urine differs from liquid urine in that when shaken it forms not small, but large waves, and it remains inactive; if you force it to foam, then many slowly dying bubbles will form. Such foam, if it has a yellowish tint, is formed from well-ripened mucus and bile, which has the color of an egg yolk; if the foam is colorless, this means that glassy mucus is dissolved in it, which often occurs in the urine of patients with epilepsy. The intense color of liquid urine does not come from its maturity, because maturity would change its consistency, and this color is caused by an admixture of bile. When ripening, urine first thickens and then acquires color. Consistency maturity is better than color maturity. Therefore, prolonged discharge of thin yellow urine in the presence of hot tumors is a bad sign and indicates a weakening of the digestive power. If you see that in liquid urine there are particles different from each other with yellow and red colors, then understand severe overwork.
Pityriasis impurity in liquid urine, in the absence of bladder disease, is formed from the burning of mucus. In short, thick urine in acute diseases indicates an abundance of juices, and sometimes the presence of melting, which is confirmed by the fact that if such urine is left for a while, it thickens and hardens. In general, the turbidity of urine is caused by the principles of earthiness and wind mixed with wateriness, for from the mixing of these principles a general turbidity is formed, and their separation from each other gives rise to transparency.
Then the following three points must be borne in mind: first, liquid urine is secreted, which then thickens, which indicates that human nature tried to make matter mature, but the matter did not submit to it in all respects, but only partially yielded to its influence; sometimes this indicates the presence of melting of organs; thick urine is released, which then becomes lighter, and its thickness is released and settles; all this indicates that human nature has overcome matter and forced it to mature. The clearer the urine and the more rapidly settling sediments, the stronger the proof of its maturity; intermediate position, located between the first and second.
If human nature continues to remain strong and its strength is stable, then we must expect the onset of full maturity. If this force is unstable, there is a fear that the urine will not ripen. If this condition continues and there are no other bad signs, then you need to be wary of a headache, for all this indicates stimulation of the juices and the presence of wind mixed with smoky steam.
Prolonged discharge of thin urine followed by thickening of it is much better than constant discharge of thick urine. In most cases, the thickening of the urine and its turbidity occur from a decrease in strength, and not as a result of the action of the expelling force of nature.
If urine is emitted in the form of water and remains in a watery state, then this certainly indicates its immaturity. Thick urine is considered good when it is emitted easily and in large quantities. Such urine will save a person from paralysis and similar diseases.
If the urine is thick and emitted in large quantities and then gradually turns into a liquid state, then this is a good sign. Sometimes it happens that a small amount of thick and cloudy urine is followed by copious discharge, this is a good sign.
Therefore, when thick and cloudy urine, secreted little by little, is emitted easily and immediately in large quantities, the disease is cured, it makes no difference whether it is an acute fever or one of the other diseases arising from the overflow of the body, or whether a simple overflow that has not yet caused any any disease. This kind of urine is rare.
If the natural-colored urine becomes too thick, this sometimes indicates a strong reduction of bad juices, and a slight discharge of urine indicates its maturity. Since such urine indicates an increase in the amount of juices and a weakening of strength, it can sometimes serve as a sign of impaired maturity, as indicated by the difficulty and insignificance of its emission.
If, during a crisis of spleen diseases and mixed fevers, good thick urine is secreted, it is not necessary that a homogeneous sediment should fall out of it, for the expelling power of nature is in action.
Foamy urine generally indicates an abundance of juices and the fact that human nature is concerned with juices and bringing them to maturity.
Thick urine that has an olive oil-colored sediment indicates the presence of stones.
Thick urine, indicating the opening of tumors, is recognized by what is mixed with it and what is emitted before it. This impurity may be pus, this is indicated by a fetid odor and small films in the form of white and red plates or in the form of bran and other things, which will be discussed below.
Previous urination, as mentioned above, is a sign of the presence of a tumor or ulcer in the bladder, kidneys, liver and chest area. All this indicates an opening and leakage from the tumor.
If the thick urine in question is preceded by urine that resembles water in which fresh meat has been washed, then it comes from tumors on the convex surface of the liver, and feces with this color indicate the presence of a tumor on the concave surface of the liver. If someone emitting thick urine suffers from shortness of breath, a dry cough and shooting pain in the chest, then this is a sign that there is pleurisy discharge from the large artery.
If the urine mixed with pus is mature, then this is good, but if it is thick and has a blackish tint, and at the same time pain is felt in the left side, then this means that the pus is coming from the spleen. When pain is felt above the navel and abdomen, this indicates that the pus is coming from the stomach area. In most cases, pus comes from the liver and urinary ducts.
When a healthy and sedentary person who has given up physical exercise produces urine in the form of pus and ichor, this means that his body is being cleansed and the lethargy caused by giving up physical exercise is being removed.
If there are blockages in the liver and in the organs located near it, then the urine often thickens as a result of the opening of these blockages and the expulsion of matter. In this case, thick urine is not purulent, but if it thickens as a result of leaking ulcers, it is purulent.
Cloudy urine in most cases indicates a decrease in strength. When the strength drops, coldness takes over the body, and as a result the discharge is cold.
Cloudy urine, the color of bad wine or water in which peas have been soaked, occurs in pregnant women and people whose internal organs have chronic and hot tumors.
Urine that resembles the urine of a donkey or other animals and has a persistent foam, as a result of which it appears as if whipped, indicates deterioration of the body juices. In most cases, such urine indicates the presence of immature mucus in which the heat has formed thick air, and therefore it indicates the presence or onset of a headache. Prolonged emission of such urine is a sign of lithargus.
If the urine has the color of some internal organ for a long time, this means that there is some kind of disease in this organ.
Some say that if the urine produces sediment in the form of a cloud or smoke, then this indicates that the disease is continuing, and if such urine is excreted throughout the disease, then it threatens death.
Raw mucus has a different smell from pus.
When a lot of large particles are found in the urine, which contains various particles, this indicates the effectiveness of human nature and its strength, as well as the strong opening of the orifices of the body.
If thread-like bodies intertwined with each other are found in the urine, this means that the urine was released after sexual intercourse.