Constitution Hypersthenic

Hypersthenic Constitution: Basics and Features

A hypersthenic constitution, also known as a pycnic constitution or a digestive constitution, is one of the types of physical constitution that describes the physique and physiological characteristics of a person. A hypersthenic constitution is usually characterized by a predominance of muscle mass and a strong skeleton.

The term "hypersthenia" comes from the Greek "hyper" (excessive) and "sthenos" (strength). People with a hypersthenic constitution usually have high levels of muscle strength and energy, which allows them to easily perform physical tasks and withstand heavy loads.

The main characteristics of a hypersthenic constitution include the following:

  1. Muscle mass: People with a hypersthenic constitution usually have developed and strong muscles. Their bodies are often highly muscular and dense.

  2. Strength indicators: Hypersthenic people have a high level of physical strength. Their bodies are able to withstand intense physical activity and perform strenuous physical tasks.

  3. Skeletal structure: A hypersthenic constitution is usually accompanied by a strong skeletal structure. People with this constitution often have broad shoulders, strong bones and large joints.

  4. Stability: People with a hypersthenic constitution usually have good stability and strength for a long time. They can easily perform physical tasks that require endurance and sustained effort.

  5. Metabolism: A hypersthenic constitution may be associated with a high basal metabolic rate. This means that people with this constitution can have a fast metabolism and the ability to burn calories efficiently.

The hypersthenic constitution has its advantages and disadvantages. People with this constitution usually exhibit outstanding physical abilities and can be successful in sports or physical professions. However, due to their high muscle mass, they may be at increased risk of injury and wear and tear on their joints.

It is important to note that the constitution is not the final definition of a person's potential. This is just one aspect of his physical nature. Constitution can vary depending on genetics, environmental conditions, lifestyle and other factors.

In general, a hypersthenic constitution has its own unique characteristics and requires a special approach to health and physical activity. People with this constitution can benefit greatly from exercise, especially strength training, which can help strengthen muscles and improve overall physical endurance.

However, as with any type of constitution, it is important to maintain a balance and take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Regular consultations with a doctor or exercise specialist can help you develop an optimal exercise program and proper nutrition that takes into account your hypersthenic constitution and individual needs.

In conclusion, a hypersthenic constitution is a special type of physical constitution characterized by strong muscles, high physical strength and energy. Understanding your constitution and taking appropriate steps to maintain and improve it can help you achieve optimal health and fitness.

Hypersthenic constitution

The hypersthenic constitution is a model of body organization and life activity, which is characterized by a strong development of the muscular system and a strong bone structure. Such people are tall, have broad shoulders and chest, as well as pronounced muscle definition. They are often prone to being overweight or obese. They usually have a round face and a heavy lower jaw. Many hypersthenics have powerful energy, efficiency and perseverance in achieving goals. Some of them can be very loud and expressive. However, they do not always know how to cope with emotions and may have difficulty communicating. Take a strength training course! The hypersthenic constitution corresponds to such a constitution as **Picnic** and