Constitution Picnic

The Picnic Constitution is a unique document that was created in 1890 in the United States. This text defines the principles of population governance in pioneer camps. It was written by Henry Kissing, an American politician and writer. The Constitution was created in response to public concerns about violations of children's rights in boarding schools. The Pikination Constitution consists of nine articles:

1. Mandatory citizenship. All children in the camp must be US citizens unless they are refugees. 2. Right to education. Each camp station must provide its residents with education. They are obliged to provide children with all the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can live a full life after finishing the camp 3. Rights to freedom of speech and information. Children have the right to receive information and to share different views and ideas without restrictions. Children also have the right to express their thoughts and views publicly and without fear of persecution by camp or camp administration 4. Protection from physical or emotional abuse

Picnic legislation or the Constitution?

Today we will talk about such an important legal document as the Constitution and its role in modern life. But, let’s immediately clarify, what kind of Constitution can we talk about if there is only one? Of course, this is not so, there are several Constitutions, and

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, which establishes the order of formation and functions of all government bodies, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens. Russia currently has a Constitution adopted in 1993. However, as practice shows, constitutional laws are not always respected, and numerous violations of human rights and freedoms in our country raise the question of