Vein Diploic Occipital

Vein diploic occipital: anatomy and functions

There are many vessels in our body that perform important functions. One of these vessels is the diploic occipital vein. This vein is located deep in the skull and plays an important role in maintaining brain health.

Anatomy of the diploic occipital vein

The diploic occipital vein (v. diploica occipitalis) is a vein that passes through a layer of bone called the diploetum. The diploet is the layer of bone between the inner and outer plates of the skull bone. The diploic occipital vein passes through the diploetus in the region of the occipital bone.

Functions of the diploic occipital vein

One of the main functions of the diploic occipital vein is the drainage of venous blood from the diploic occipital bone. This prevents blood from pooling in the area, which can cause brain damage.

In addition, the diploic occipital vein plays an important role in thermoregulation of the brain. The diploic occipital vein helps remove heat from the brain, which helps maintain its normal temperature.


The diploic occipital vein is an important vessel that plays an important role in maintaining brain health. It provides drainage of venous blood from the head bone and helps maintain normal brain temperature. Understanding the anatomy and function of this vein can be helpful to medical professionals and people interested in brain health.

The diploic occipital veins are formed by the fusion of the diploic vertebral veins, other small occipital veins, and often the deep cerebral veins, resulting in a large trunk. The veins lie under the trapezius muscle and the bottom of the canine groove, pass through its bony part and