
Choriamnites is the general name for inflammation of the outer membrane of the fetus and its membranes - the amniotic sac. This is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy.

In essence, chorioamnites means purulent-inflammatory diseases around the head or cervix associated with infection of the amniotic membranes. Most often this occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina or through a rupture of the fetal bladder. The result of this is the accumulation of amniotic fluid with elements of infection between the amniotic membranes and the fetus itself, which poses a threat to the life of the latter and the mother. If left untreated, the baby may die or miscarriage due to infection of the placenta.

Gynecologists say that in the absence of therapy and improper antibiotic therapy, cholioamnites is considered one of the most dangerous consequences for a pregnant woman, which can lead to the death of the baby or even the mother. On average, the number of cases of pregnant women affected by chorioamiontitis is about 1-2% of all observed mothers.

A woman with this complication must be hospitalized, and her treatment process is monitored by a gynecologist. The decision to prescribe treatment is determined depending on the severity of the fetal condition and the general health of the patient during the entire pregnancy.