
Iridodialysis is a condition in which the layers of the iris separate from each other. This can be caused by various reasons, such as injury, infection, tumors, age-related changes and other diseases.

Iridodialysis can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms, such as eye pain, decreased vision, changes in the color of the iris, the appearance of spots and lines on the iris, and an increase in its size.

Diagnosis of iridodialysis is based on examination of the fundus and examination of the optical properties of the eye. Treatment of iridodialysis can be either conservative or surgical.

Prevention of iridodialysis includes regular visits to an ophthalmologist for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, as well as adherence to good visual hygiene and the use of protective glasses when working with harmful substances.

In general, iridodialysis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. If you notice any symptoms of iridodialysis, do not delay visiting your doctor.

Iridodiailesis is a rare painful condition that manifests itself in the form of damage to the iris of the eye with separation of its tissues. Iridiolysis is a sudden detachment of the tissue of the iris of the eye with simultaneous blood loss, lasting no more than a few hours and observed in such circulatory disorders of the eye as subaortic aneurysm or thrombosis of a branch of the central retinal artery. The disease occurs in childhood and adolescence, less often in middle-aged and elderly people. In Russia, the disease is detected at least once every 5 years, with boys more often affected among children, and women more often among adults. A seasonal tendency to incidence has been noted - iris lesions are more often found in spring and autumn. In the observed patients, there is a change in the iris in the posterior pole of the eyeball. Along the edges of the pupil, a white stripe of the pupil is visible, covered with leaves of the destroyed iris. One of the rainbow layers separated completely, the other partially. In severe, persistently recurrent forms of iridodialysis, proptosis occurs a few days after separation of the tissues of the pupillary membrane. Iridocyclitis is often observed. Ophthalmoscopic changes were detected only in some patients; the diagnosis could only be verified surgically. The classic method of diagnosis is the iridological method, which identifies the unevenness of the course of the vessels of the iris, the zonality of its color, and the presence of anatomical zones as the main signs of diagnosis. Various tests can be used (Wotherston-Sloan-Losev test, gonioscopy), as well as various staining and luminescence methods. Computed tomography of the eye and ophthalmography play an important role. In case of acute damage, it is necessary to use fast-acting local treatment and mandatory administration of hemostatic drugs. It is important to determine the source of the aneurysm.