Antiglobulin serum

The name "Antiglobulin" serum has become increasingly popular lately, but what exactly is this serum and how does it work?

Histamine is an important chemical that is responsible for many inflammatory processes in the body, including allergic skin reactions, asthma, eye diseases and even stomach pain. Antiglobulin Serum (SPG) is specifically formulated to combat these symptoms by neutralizing histamine.

How it works SPG is a drug that directly interacts with histamine in the body. Unlike other antihistamines, SPG interferes with the connection between histamine and histamine receptors, thereby reducing its amount in the blood. This results in a reduction in patients' allergic reactions and other symptoms.

When making a request for this drug, be prepared for its effect, which appears quickly and lasts about 4 hours. Remember that at the first signs of allergies and other inflammatory processes, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor to be sure that the drug is working correctly and will not cause serious side effects