Contusion of the Eyeball

An ocular contusion is a serious injury to the organ of vision that can be caused by trauma, a blow, or a concussion. This condition has dangerous consequences for human health and even life. In this article we will look at the various causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of eyeball contusion.

Causes and risk factors The main cause of eye contusion is head or facial trauma. Other risk factors include extreme sports, combat, car accidents, falls, and blows to the face. Injuries sustained under these circumstances can result in a foreign object entering the eye, causing contusion. In addition, concussion can occur from physical impact, such as catching a ball in basketball or being punched in boxing.

Symptoms of concussion The first symptom of concussion is a sharp darkening in the eyes. This is usually accompanied by noise

Eye injuries and contusions are common patient conditions in emergency ophthalmological practice. Among contusion injuries, closed injuries of the eyeball are of greatest importance. More often, contusions of the eyeball occur when falling on the head, that is, the place where the force is applied is located low. Common types of severe closed injury: concussion; bruise, blow with a blunt or sharp object.