Conjunctivitis Hemorrhagic Epidemic

**Conjunctivitis** is a group of acute and chronic eye diseases that are manifested by redness and swelling of the eyelids, mucous membranes of the eye, photophobia and lacrimation, especially at night or after exposure to bright light. Blepharospasm and increased secretion of the ocular gland are noted. All this leads to decreased vision.

A hemorrhoidal ophthalmologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the conjunctiva using medications and surgical methods. Systematic medical courses, sanatorium meetings, anonymous testing (studies of diseases of the conjunctival membranes of the eyes and eye diseases using a special camera using laser beams) - all this helps prevent blindness. For reference, some conjunctival infections can cause general infections, such as herpes, pneumonia and influenza.

Conjunctivitis, or ocular conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

There are several types of conjunctivitis: bacterial, allergic, viral and others. However, epidemiological hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a special type of conjunctivitis that occurs as a result of the massive spread of the pathogen through the air. It is characterized by the development of an inflammatory reaction in the conjunctival area and can lead to complications.

Conjunctivitis Hemorrhagic Epidemic associated with blood. Redness, rashes, even ulcerations on the eyelids remind of themselves again. It’s not hard to imagine what kind of discomfort this is in everyday life.

Signs of this disease may appear two to three days after entering the infection zone, which indicates rather in favor of the airborne route of penetration of the pathogen into the body. From the moment