Cortical Zone

**Cortical zone** is a section of the cerebral cortex that has a specific function and is responsible for certain tasks in the human body. Studying and understanding cortical areas allows scientists to better understand the functioning of the human brain and helps in the treatment of various diseases and disorders. In this article, we will look at what cortical areas are, their functions, and examples of cortical areas in the brain.

**What is the cortical zone?**

The cortical zone is one of the layers of the cerebral cortex. It is made up of cells called neurons, which are connected by axons. The cortical zones have the shape of pyramids and are located in the upper layer of the cerebral cortex - ranging from 2.5 to 5.5 mm in thickness. They occupy about 75% of the total area of ​​the cortex, and each cortical area performs a specific function in the brain. The function of a cortical zone determines its location in the cerebral cortex and its size.

Thus, cortical zones are divided into “associative” and “projective”. Association areas are associated with the processing of information received from several senses, such as hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch. This provides a general perception of information about the world around us. Projection zones are associated with visual, auditory and motor functions. Their location determines their main functions - processing auditory, visual or motor signals.

For example, the hearing area is located in the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for processing sound and auditory signals. The visual area is located in the right hemisphere and is associated with coordination of movement and visual perception. The motor cortex zone is localized in the lower part of the posterior part of the cerebral cortex and is responsible for the coordination of muscle movements and control of motor activity. Each type of zone has its own structural features and functions.

For humans, the development of cortical areas is especially important, since a number of areas are responsible for higher mental processes, such as thinking, speech, action, and emotional-volitional manifestations. The development of cortical areas is an important stage in the development of human abilities and skills.

Cortical area of ​​the brain

The cortical area is one of the most important parts of the human brain. This is an area of ​​the cerebral cortex with a specific function, responsible for certain types of mental processes. Whether it is the area responsible for our vision, movement, thinking, speech, hearing or anything else, the cortical area plays a critical role in the functioning of our brain. Today we will talk about the cortical zone and its significance for us.

Cortical area and functions

It is known that the brain consists of two main parts - the spinal cord and the brain. The cortical area refers to the cerebral cortex and is the main part of the cerebral cortex in mammals, including humans. It provides control over various types of mental activities such as thinking, consciousness, memory, perception and movement.

Each part of the cerebral cortex is responsible for different functions. For example, one part controls the movements of our limbs, the other connects with our inner sense of balance and allows us to maintain balance when we move. The third part correlates with emotions, namely the ability to understand them and respond appropriately. There is also a certain part of the cerebral cortex responsible for vision, hearing sensitivity, the production of digestive enzymes, blood flow and other processes. Each of these tasks plays its own important role and requires its share of “attention”