
Corticosteroids are a group of medications that are used to treat various diseases related to the immune system and allergies. They contain hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex - cortisol, cortisone and others.

Corticosteroids can be used to treat various allergic reactions such as asthma, hives, hay fever and others. They can also help treat inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease.

However, corticosteroids have a number of side effects, such as increased blood sugar levels, weight gain, and an increased risk of infections and other diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment with corticosteroids, it is necessary to conduct a full examination and consult with a doctor.

Overall, corticosteroids are an important tool in the treatment of allergic and inflammatory diseases. However, their use must be strictly controlled and carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Corticosteroids are a group of natural and synthetic hormones that differ in their structure and chemical composition, but are similar in their biological activity. They have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. They also affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats and have a catabolic effect on protein metabolism. Corticosteroids are characterized by broad hormonal activity, in particular they inhibit the function of the adrenal glands, therefore, with their long-term use, a state of mineralocorticidal insufficiency occurs. The pharmacological properties of these drugs include suppression of the body's hypersensitivity caused by microbial agents and tissue metabolic products.

Under the influence of corticosteroids, the body's immune response to the allergen is reduced. Side effects of such drugs include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diabetes mellitus, and hypokalemia. With oral administration of glucocorticoids, broncho-obstructive syndrome, facial hyperemia, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hyperglycemia, intracranial hypertension, gastric ulcer, and muscle weakness may develop. Of the extrarenal manifestations of corticosteroid therapy, the most common are hirsutism, development of stretch marks, electrolyte disturbances, osteoporosis and growth disorders