Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics - (syn. cosmetics) are a product used for skin and hair care, as well as for makeup. In recent years, the use of cosmetics has become increasingly common around the world, but their use has both positive and negative consequences.

The positive aspects of using cosmetics include:

- Improved appearance of skin and hair. Modern products containing vitamins and natural ingredients help fight wrinkles, pigmentation and other imperfections, eliminating or hiding them. They also moisturize the skin and give it a healthy appearance. - Correction of deficiencies. For example, using foundation helps to visually hide acne spots on the face. This is also important for the fair sex with problem skin, when you need to hide imperfections for a long time. Unfortunately, not all cosmetics are safe and suitable for certain skin types. - Removing cosmetics. Gels or micellar waters help effectively remove makeup from the skin or hair, for example, for cleansing the face of makeup or, conversely, applying it. They leave no traces, except for the cosmetics and fat, so after use you need to wash your face under running water. - Predo