Bacelli Sign

Bacelli P. is the founder of clinical blood analysis. In 1907, he published rules for conducting a complete human blood test. Priscinio was able to reveal the results of Bacelli's blood test in more detail only a few years later, obtaining new data in 1927 and publishing them in the French Journal of Physique and Biology (Journal de Physique biologique). During the same period, the scientist examined the blood of a hippopotamus and a tiger cub. Thanks to Bacelli, the concept of cellular and plasma blood volume was introduced, as well as the phenomenon of hemodynamic ischemia was discovered and the formation of red blood cells in alloplasm was described. These discoveries made a huge contribution to the development of transfusiology and antihemophilia, without which such opportunities would not exist in modern medicine today.

The features of Bacelli's handwriting help to accurately determine the age of the inhabitants of Central Asia. He developed criteria for decoding genes responsible for the immune system. Thanks to extensive research in Papua New Guinea, he created a diagnostic method for detecting melanoma and examined hemoglobin levels in the blood of 22 local animals, which helped track its fluctuations in different seasons of the year.