Cosmetics for facial cleansing at home

Clean and healthy skin is the dream of every woman. Someone wants to get rid of rashes, acne and comedones. Others are concerned about its color, removing age spots and getting rid of facial wrinkles. In all cases, the most effective method to achieve the desired results is facial cleansing. Cosmetics for this procedure are selected professionally, taking into account the skin type and troubling problems. Let's break this topic down into pieces.

First you need to make a choice

The facial cleansing cosmetics currently presented to consumers can be divided into two categories. The first is massive. This can include budget products that are sold in chain cosmetics stores, pharmacy products, luxury and selective skincare cosmetics. Such products are effective, but they do not have a pronounced effect, but rather serve as a kind of “homeopathy” that maintains healthy skin. The second subgroup is professional cosmetics for facial cleansing. It is mainly intended for salon procedures, but many brands produce lines that can be used at home. Such products are medicine and cosmetology in one bottle. They get rid of skin problems in the shortest possible time and give the face a healthy appearance.

Functions of professional cosmetics

So, it doesn’t matter whether you decide to try similar facial cleansing cosmetics on yourself in a salon or apply it yourself at home, in both cases the effect will be identical. What is he like?

  1. Exfoliation of dead cells.
  2. Stimulates blood circulation, which, in turn, gives the face a healthy and pleasant color.
  3. Destroying sebaceous plugs and dirt in pores.
  4. Elimination of pigmentation, various types of rashes and inflammations.

When choosing and purchasing professional cosmetics for facial cleansing, it is extremely important to know exactly what problem you want to deal with. Based on this, care products are selected. You cannot take any jars from store shelves just because they are intended for salon use. It is also important to apply them in the required sequence, taking into account the time intervals indicated in the instructions.

What kind of cleaning can be

In order to cleanse pores and get rid of skin problems, you should choose one of the types of facial cleansing. Each one is good in its own way, and it’s even impossible to distinguish which type of cleansing is suitable for a particular type of dermis. The products you use during the procedure are important, as they will affect the structure of the cells. So, there are specialized cosmetics for ultrasonic facial cleansing, vacuum, mechanical and atraumatic. We will now consider each method, sequence of actions and necessary drugs.

Mechanical cleaning

This technique is as old as time. The bottom line is that the skin is steamed, then the pores are cleaned using special sticks, loops or simply the hands of a cosmetologist. After this, a soothing mask is applied and the skin rests. You can do the procedure both in the salon and at home by purchasing identical products.

  1. Cleansing. We all know that you need to go without makeup to cleanse your face, but even if there is any left, it needs to be removed using a special milk. An excellent product is Fresh AHA Cleansing Gel from the Christina brand. It quickly and effectively removes all impurities and makeup from the face, but does not dry it out or tighten it. It is highly recommended not to remove cosmetics with soap.
  2. Opening of pores. The most important stage, during which you clean clogged pores and remove all ulcers. It is necessary to use vaporizers or cold hydrogenation gel. NanoCode: NanoActive Gel has proven itself to be excellent, which is suitable even for very sensitive skin. After applying it, you must wait the time specified in the instructions, and then wipe off the remaining product from your face with a napkin. If there are large abscesses, remove them with a loop.
  3. Closing pores. Most often, masks are used for this, which soothe the skin, eliminate redness and tighten pores. A favorite product of many cosmetologists is Academie Visage Purifying Mask. After removing it, wipe your face with tonic.

Vacuum cleaning

This technique is not very common among modern women, but it is extremely useful to perform as an additional therapy to mechanical cleansing. After the skin has been steamed as much as possible, large defects can be removed using special loops. But small blackheads, clogged pores - it’s extremely difficult to clean all this with your hands. In such cases, a vacuum device comes to the rescue, which, like a vacuum cleaner, pulls out all the small impurities from the dermis. The cosmetics that are required for this auxiliary procedure are identical to those that need to be used for mechanical cleaning.

Ultrasonic cleaning

In recent years, this type of procedure has become more widespread. The essence of the secret lies in the incredible versatility and effectiveness of this type of cleaning. It is suitable for all ages, all skin types and helps to cope not only with pimples and blackheads, but also with other dermal problems. Previously, both the device itself and cosmetics for ultrasound facial cleansing could only be found in specialized beauty salons. Professionals carried out the procedure, selecting products individually, and their names remained secret for a long time. Nowadays, both the device itself and cosmetics for facial cleansing have become quite accessible. For cosmetologists, of course, this is unprofitable, but most women who previously could not afford frequent salon procedures can now be content with this type of cleaning at home.

Features of ultrasonic cleaning

Before we begin our review of cosmetics for ultrasonic facial cleansing, let’s talk about some of the nuances associated with this procedure. So, if you decide to carry it out at home, then you cannot do without a special device. Devices that allow you to remove impurities and inflammation from the skin of the face through the action of ultrasonic waves are present in abundance on the market. You can choose either a budget option ranging from 5-7 thousand rubles, or a more expensive one - up to 25 thousand rubles.

The cleaning itself is carried out using a special gel (see below), but some women replace it with mineral water, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

Ultrasonic cleaning is good because it is not as traumatic as mechanical cleaning. After it there are no scratches and bruises, tumors and irritations, and the result is nothing but pleasing. Well, now let's move on to a detailed examination of cosmetics.

Stages and means

At the moment, cosmetics for ultrasonic facial cleansing from the Israeli company Holy Land are considered one of the highest quality and most popular. The only reason for disappointment may be the price, but we note that this indicator is completely justified - you will be more than satisfied with the result. Previously, this brand produced exclusively lines for salons, but in recent years it has produced a lot of products for home use. Let's consider them.

  1. Cleansing: To remove sebum, impurities and makeup, you will need an ichthyol soap called Double Action Soapless Soap.
  2. Pre-cleansing in the form of light peeling can be done using Lactolan Peeling Cream. It will not only remove the dead skin layer, but also open the pores, from which you can easily remove all excess.
  3. Directly lotion for cleaning itself Azulen Lotion.
  4. Finishing mask Special Mask, which closes pores and evens out skin tone, and also eliminates redness.

If your skin type is pronounced

This Israeli cosmetics for facial reading is universal. It suits any type of dermis. But in some cases, the skin may be too thin and sensitive, or, on the contrary, have increased oil content. Specialized gels for ultrasonic facial cleansing will help you cope with such nuances. An excellent choice is the American brand Beauty Style. He released four types of gel designed for different types of dermis.

  1. "Ultralift" is a universal product for all skin types.
  2. "Ultrafirm" is a gel for skin that has undergone age-related changes and has lost its tone.
  3. "Ultraclean sense" - for the dermis, which is extremely thin, sensitive and prone to irritation and redness.
  4. "Ultraclean control" - for combination and oily skin types. Also suitable for radical cleansing of normal dermis.

No injuries and no abrasions - peeling

Of course, if the pores are already too clogged, the skin is strewn with acne, and pimples often appear on it, not only ultrasonic, but also mechanical cleaning using special loops will be required. But if, in general, the skin is clean, smooth, but there are minor imperfections, it is slightly shiny and a little oily, perhaps there is a desire to deal with age spots, then there is no point in carrying out such serious procedures. In such a case, the best choice would be peeling, or, as it is also called, atraumatic facial cleansing. Cosmetics for this procedure are purchased in specialized stores. It is extremely important to wait the right amount of time, not to wash it off early and not to overexpose it. After all, remember that you will be dealing with acids, which can cause not only a cleansing effect on the skin, but also severe redness and even a burn.

Required funds

Peeling itself is a procedure that is divided into three subtypes. These are superficial, medium and deep peeling. If we are talking about atraumatic facial cleansing, then we will only have to deal with the first of them, which is the least dangerous and does not cause any damage to the skin. What result will you get? The pores will be completely cleaned and subsequently narrowed, inflammation, acne and other defects will dry out and soon disappear, the skin will become smooth and even, not only its texture, but also its color will be evened out. To carry out a similar procedure at home, choose one of the products offered by professionals:

  1. Inno-Peel is a Spanish brand that is very popular among domestic cosmetologists. The preparations contain mainly AHA acids, as well as retinol.
  2. Enerpeel is an Italian cosmetics for professional use, which includes more than 10 products. Among them there are both preparations for superficial and medium peeling.
  3. Mene&Moy System is an American manufacturer of cosmetics. A series of medium and superficial peels are produced for salon use, and there is also a whole line of superficial products for home use.
  4. PCA Skin are also products from an American manufacturer that are intended for home care. The line includes both the peeling itself and emulsions for further care.

Facial care after cleansing

It doesn’t matter which of the procedures described above you performed, in any case, after cleansing, your skin became thinner, more sensitive, redness and irritation appeared on it. Another unpleasant moment also arose - increased fat content of the dermis. What cosmetics should you use after cleansing your face to give it a healthy appearance as soon as possible?

  1. For the first two days, try not to leave the house. The skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and it should not come into contact with street dust.
  2. Regularly wipe off excess subcutaneous sebum with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort.
  3. Wash your face exclusively with melt or mineral water.
  4. A couple of days later, start using cosmetics. An excellent cleanser is Valmont Cleansing with a Gel, which will prevent the appearance of new defects.
  5. Vichy's Purete Thermale Renewing Creamy Scrub simultaneously cleanses and soothes the face while reducing redness.
  6. Gommage Surfin Physiologique facial gommage from La Roche Posay gently nourishes and cleanses the skin of dead cells.
  7. Noreva Laboratoires Exfoliac Gel Desincrustant is designed to eliminate oily shine, normalize the production of subcutaneous sebum and prevent the appearance of new acne.

Rating of cosmetics for facial cleansing

Reviews from professionals, enthusiastic comments from clients, the length of time during which cosmetics lasted on the world market - all this made it possible to compile a list of the best products that are suitable for cleansing the face. Of course, after watching, you don’t need to immediately run out and buy the first line you like. Consult a cosmetologist, who, based on your derma type, will choose the appropriate option for you. Please note that the table will not include the brands described above, since we have already reviewed them.

Manufacturer country Brand Ruler
Israel Christiana Rose de Mer
Israel GIGI GlycoPure
Israel Premier Ageless Future
Israel Renew Peeling
Spain Sesderma Mandelac
Spain Keenwell Premier
USA Clinique 3-Step Skin Care
Italy Frais Monde Gommage
Germany Biodroga Cleaning Line
Poland Clarena Acid


Always remember that before buying cosmetics for facial cleansing at home, it is important to first consult a cosmetologist’s office. Even the most praised brand and the most universal line may not suit you due to the type of individual properties of the dermis, due to allergies or personal intolerance to one of the components. Carry out the cleaning itself only in accordance with the instructions. Do not leave the preparations on the skin too long, so as not to cause burns and inflammation, but also do not wash off ahead of time, so as not to reduce their effect to zero. Also follow all the rules for facial care after cleansing - and your skin will thank you with its radiant and healthy appearance.

Is it possible to fully cleanse the face at home? Will it be as effective as a salon procedure? The answer is clear - yes! You just need to know how to do it correctly, what means to use, and how often to carry out the manipulation.

Many women do not risk acting on their face in such an aggressive manner on their own, trusting only professionals. Some do not understand the meaning of the procedure at all, considering their skin clean without any intervention. If we study the essence of the issue, we can state that both are wrong.

We will try to understand all the nuances as deeply as possible. But let’s immediately note: facial cleansing at home (as well as in the salon) is a rather lengthy task. To achieve the desired result, you need to devote at least 2 hours to yourself. You are ready? Then let's get started.

5 reasons to get a facial

Cleansing your facial skin is, first of all, a hygienic procedure. The contaminated epidermis is unable to perform its basic functions. The sebaceous glands produce a special secretion that protects the face from environmental influences. Ideally, the skin should remain healthy, soft, and toned for a long time. But genetic factors, poor environment, poor diet, stress, and hormonal imbalances cause clogged pores.

As a result, external defects appear. These can be local and widespread inflammatory processes, acne, comedones, acne, excessive dryness or oily skin. But you want to have a fresh, young, beautiful face, and for as long as possible!

And here are the promised five reasons that should convince of the need for this procedure:

  1. coarsened epithelial cells that cannot completely move away on their own are removed;
  2. eliminates acne, comedones at different stages of manifestation;
  3. toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated in the epidermis from the external environment are removed;
  4. the pH of the skin is restored, the protective function is normalized;
  5. regeneration processes are stimulated, cellular respiration, blood microcirculation, oxygen exchange, and absorption of nutrients are improved.

Here's how facial cleansing actually works. If you still have doubts, let's talk about external changes after a correctly performed procedure.

The effectiveness of facial cleansing at home

In beauty salons, facial cleansing is carried out using both manual and hardware methods. The specialist will evaluate the “front of work”, choose the right technique and carry out the procedure. Next, he will tell you how to carry out post-treatment so that the result is maximum.

Cleansing your face at home is a similar manipulation, in which you choose a method that is comfortable for yourself. In addition, each woman will determine the ingredients that are most suitable for her based on her individual characteristics.

You can cleanse your face at home at any convenient time. This is what we get, so to speak, “at the exit”.

  1. The skin becomes smoother, fresher, softer. Dead cells are removed from the surface, allowing the epidermis to fully “breathe.”
  2. All products used for skin care will be more active. The penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis will improve.
  3. Comedones and acne are completely removed. Cleaning helps prevent the rapid development of processes that provoke the occurrence of skin defects.
  4. Pores that are clogged with dead epithelial cells, sebaceous secretions, and dirt from the surrounding air are cleaned. The risk of developing inflammatory processes is minimized.
  5. The face is rejuvenated, pigment spots are minimized, and the microrelief is evened out, which is especially important during the first age-related changes.

Now is the time to pay attention to the frequency of procedures. To do this, you need to determine your skin type. Each of them has its own characteristics, which will determine how often you need to clean it and how aggressive the substances are.

  1. Dry skin requires cleansing once a month. For manipulation, choose gentle components of products (purchased or homemade) that do not contain alcohol, strong acids, or coarse abrasive particles.
  2. Normal and combined are treated once every two weeks. The choice of products for procedures is wider. Those that cause individual intolerance are not used.
  3. Oily and problematic skin is cleaned once every 7-10 days. Products with fruit acids (similar to synthetic ones) and salicylic alcohol are used.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out systematically, starting from 20-25 years. It is believed that after 25, the processes of natural production of substances responsible for youth and health of the skin, as well as metabolic reactions, slow down. Cleansing is one of the important stages of facial care.

Indications and contraindications for use

How to do facial cleansing at home, like a cosmetologist? First of all, you need to know the indications for the procedure. They are:

  1. rough, flaky, roughened skin surface;
  2. scars, stretch marks, scars, acne marks, the presence of pimples and blackheads;
  3. hyperpigmentation;
  4. uneven tone, color, relief;
  5. age-related changes;
  6. wrinkles, folds.

But you definitely need to know the contraindications. Home facial cleansing should never be carried out under the following circumstances:

  1. herpetic infection;
  2. allergic reactions;
  3. various types of dermatitis;
  4. eczema or psoriasis;
  5. sensitive skin (it is better to trust professionals);
  6. large birthmarks (especially raised ones, protruding above the surface);
  7. tendency to form scars and keloids.

If you have hypertension, bronchial asthma, dystonia, or diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to steam your face in a steam bath. For epilepsy, the procedure should only be performed under medical supervision.

Preparing the face for procedures

Now let's move on to the question of how to properly cleanse your face at home. There is a whole “ritual”, the implementation of which will ensure the expected result.

  1. The first stage is cleaning the surface. It is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics, particles of dust and grease. Products must not contain alcohol. The best option is micellar water. If there is none, use gel or foam for washing. Do not use lotion as it leaves behind a film.
  2. The second stage is the removal of dead cells. A soft scrub with medium-sized abrasive particles is used. A store-bought one will do. But you can make such a remedy yourself from coffee grounds and sour cream (unsweetened yogurt, olive oil). Apply the mixture to a slightly dampened face, rub the skin in a circular motion and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse with warm water (not hot!)
  3. The third stage is steaming (vaporization). To do this, you need to boil the required amount of water (about 2 liters), add medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula) or essential oils (tea tree, rosemary). Cover your head with a towel and hold over the steam for a quarter of an hour. Your face will become wet, but there is no need to rub it vigorously with a towel; it is better to blot it with a moisture-absorbing cloth. The skin after such a procedure is very sensitive and can be easily injured.
  4. The fourth stage is the removal of inclusive particles. This is how mechanical facial cleansing is done. Using your fingertips, gently press on pimples and blackheads, trying to squeeze the contents out. If you cannot achieve this, there is no need to be too zealous. This means that the pimple or comedon is not yet ripe. After removing all the fragments, you need to wash your face with clean warm water or a decoction that was used for steaming. You can wipe your face with peroxide to avoid infection.
  5. The fifth stage is the mask. It additionally cleanses and nourishes the skin. The most optimal, affordable recipe is banana with honey. Mash the fruit to a puree, add bee product to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with the same decoction.

Finally, you need to moisturize your skin well. You can use your favorite moisturizer for this. An alternative is to wipe the surface with an aloe leaf. The plant moisturizes, cleanses, nourishes, and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

It is especially good to use aloe juice for dry skin after cleansing at home. Also remember that with this type of epidermis, you should never use products containing alcohol. This aggressive substance irritates, dries, and injures sensitive skin.

How to do facial cleansing at home

There are many types of procedure. Some are held exclusively in salons. But there are recipes that make it possible to perform the manipulation yourself. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

To make the right choice about what and how to do facial cleansing at home, you need to understand the nuances of each of them.

Mechanical cleaning

We have already examined in detail the stages of preparing a face for the procedure. The first three are required for any method. Now let’s take a closer look at what mechanical facial cleansing is at home.


  1. clean your face of makeup, dust, grease;
  2. after steaming, lightly blot the surface to remove excess moisture;
  3. When using a scrub, pay attention to the size of the abrasive particles. For oily skin, they may be slightly larger and rougher than for dry and sensitive skin;
  4. Wipe your hands with alcohol, your face with hydrogen peroxide. Both liquids will disinfect surfaces well, minimizing the risk of infection;
  5. Use your fingers (pads) to squeeze out blackheads and pimples. There is no need to press hard, as the fragment may not yet be ripe. After each removal of the contents, wipe the area with peroxide. Do not use alcohol, as it provokes narrowing of pores, rapid drying of the skin, and active production of oil by the sebaceous glands;
  6. final treatment can be done with the same peroxide. If your skin is too oily, use alcohol-containing products. Cleanse your face once a month (for problematic epidermis prone to the formation of acne and comedones - twice a month).

After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask. Next - moisturizer.

Note! Those with sensitive, dry skin do not need to cleanse their face by hand. You can use special purchased products or prepare the composition yourself. The best option is honey and very fine salt. Gently massage your face along the massage lines with the mixture for several minutes.

Cleansing with chamomile

Chamomile is rightfully considered the best remedy for cleansing the face at home. This is the most delicate procedure, which makes it possible not only to cleanse, but also to prevent inflammation. The beneficial substances that make up the plant have a beneficial effect on the epidermis: they tone, soothe, even out the tone, and eliminate various types of rashes.

Cleansing is carried out decoction of dried flowers. This is the most suitable method for sensitive skin. It eliminates aggressive effects on the thin epidermis.

Chamomile decoction is prepared in the following way:

  1. pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of hot water;
  2. place the container on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Cool the liquid to body temperature, strain, squeeze out the cake.

It is applied to the skin, previously cleansed of impurities, using a cotton pad. Movements should be smooth, along massage lines.

If you need more rigorous facial cleansing, you can use scrubbing compositions based on a medicinal decoction. A good option that has no contraindications is with oatmeal.

To prepare, mix:

  1. two tablespoons of oatmeal, crushed in a blender or coffee grinder;
  2. chamomile decoction. There should be enough liquid to make a thick porridge;
  3. a teaspoon of cosmetic (almond, rose, olive) base oil.

Apply the composition to the face. Rub lightly in a circular motion, rolling off keratinized particles of epithelium. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water or the same chamomile infusion. Dry with a cotton towel and apply moisturizer.

Manual facial cleansing at home It will be more effective if vaporization is carried out with chamomile decoction.

Cleaning with clay

There are many types of cosmetic clays sold in pharmacies. Each has a number of useful qualities. For cleansing facial skin at home, black substance is considered the most suitable. It is this that has the ability to pull out all the “dirt” from the pores.

Attention! Using clay to cleanse your face at home can cause inflamed areas and rashes. This is a normal process, which is explained by deep cleansing of the skin.

How to carry out the procedure correctly? Here are several recipes with clay that guarantee deep cleansing for different types of epidermis.

Facial cleansing from blackheads for oily skin:

  1. Dilute the required amount of clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  2. add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil. Stir well until smooth;
  3. Apply the composition evenly to the prepared face, let it dry a little;
  4. then, with wet fingers, massage the skin from the forehead to the temples and chin. At the same time, try to make the clay roll off. Dead cells, dirt particles, and comedones will come off along with it.

After completing the manipulation, rinse off the residue with warm water or a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, chamomile, calendula, celandine). Apply a light moisturizer.

For normal skin, you need to dilute the clay with warm water without adding oils. Next, everything is exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

For sensitive, dry epidermis, a mixture of clay and water is applied to the prepared face and left until dry. No need to massage. After a quarter of an hour, simply rinse with warm water or a decoction of herbs.

Vacuum cleaning

An effective method of facial cleansing both in the salon and at home. Fortunately, the modern beauty industry offers a wide selection of portable devices that you can use yourself.

Warning! This procedure can be carried out only in the complete absence of contraindications, namely, damage (even minor) to the integrity of the skin, inflamed areas, open acne. For skin prone to inflammation, it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals.

Vacuum facial cleansing at home is carried out according to all the canons:

  1. cleansing;
  2. using a scrub;
  3. vaporization;
  4. the skin is cleaned with the device;
  5. antiseptic treatment;
  6. applying a soothing gel to tighten pores.

The gel can be replaced with an ice cube from a decoction of soothing herbs.

Skin care after procedures - advice from cosmetologists

Knowledge of how to do deep facial cleansing is not enough to get the desired result. Post-procedure and rules of conduct after the procedure are important:

  1. It is better to carry out the manipulation in the evening (preferably on weekends) so that the skin calms down overnight, the pores close, and redness goes away;
  2. If possible, do not go outside for about a day. If necessary, apply a protective cream with a UV filter;
  3. Minimize sun exposure for 2-3 days;
  4. do not sunbathe or visit a solarium, swimming pool, bathhouse or sauna for at least a week;
  5. regularly use day and night moisturizing and nourishing creams depending on your skin type and age;
  6. Make masks from suitable ingredients once a week.

Cleaning your face at home once is just a waste of time. The procedure must be performed regularly, and the seven rules of skin care must not be neglected. This is the only way to achieve visible results, delay the aging process, and eliminate skin defects.


Many women mistakenly believe that professional facial cleansing at home is impossible. Let's not lie - in some cases, beauty salons can provide an effective service without harm to health. There are times when it is impossible to solve a problem on your own.

But in the overwhelming majority we are simply afraid or do not want to look for a way out on our own. After all, not every day and not every one of us develops defects on our face that require serious help.

Therefore, facial cleansing at home is no worse than in a salon - a reality. You just need to know your characteristics, choose the procedure itself and make time for yourself and your loved one.

We tried to tell you how to properly cleanse your face at home using different recipes. This is not a complete list of available funds. But the main thing is regularity, consistency and the desire to look like a “beauty queen”.

Cleansing is a skin care step that is underrated and not given as much attention. In vain: this is where the beauty and health of the skin begins. We tell you what cleansing should be like

It will take 5 minutes to read

Text: editors August 3, 2017

  1. Other rules for cleansing facial skin
  2. Facial cleansing for different skin types

So that imperfections do not have to be hidden under a thick layer of cosmetics, you need to properly cleanse your skin. It is on the quality of this procedure, which must be performed both in the morning and in the evening, that its external beauty and internal “well-being” actually depend. Evening cleansing will always be key - because by the end of the day, makeup loses its freshness, pores become clogged, and dust particles and other impurities “settle” on the skin.

Max Mara © fotoimedia/imaxtree

First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary cleaning products. The main thing is that they should suit your skin type. Sometimes they don’t pay attention to this at all - thereby making a huge mistake!

When the entire set is assembled, you can begin the procedure. How to properly cleanse your facial skin at home? The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. Start with eye and lip makeup remover - this is best done using a two-phase product that dissolves even long-lasting makeup well. Remember not to rub the skin too much - especially in the area around the eyes (it is believed that the skin here is 10 times thinner than in other areas). Look for other worthy cleansing products in our rating.
  2. However, in general, an aggressive effect on the skin of the entire face is undesirable - do not rub or stretch it, otherwise you will provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles and folds. Also, take your time: if the mascara does not remain on the cotton pad immediately, then you need to wait until the composition of the makeup remover softens it and helps remove it from the eyelashes carefully, without injuring either them or the skin.
  3. When your eyes and lips are no longer wearing makeup, wipe your face with a fresh cotton pad soaked in micellar water. Having completely removed the remnants of makeup and dirt, you can wash your face further.

Two-phase eye makeup remover lotion Lancôme Bi-Facil © lancome

Next, foams, gels and other products that have a more intense effect on the skin should be used. Give preference to products containing not only cleansing, but also moisturizing components - for example, a gel from the “Endless Freshness” series from L’Oréal Paris with rose and lotus extracts is suitable.

L’Oréal Paris “Endless Freshness” Cleansing Gel © rivegauche

To restore the skin's hydrolipidic barrier, which is affected not only by cleansers, but also by water, you need a tonic - choose one that will meet the needs of your skin type. A good option is the “Absolute Tenderness” toner for sensitive skin from L’Oréal Paris. And don’t forget about moisturizer - you can use it to complete your skin cleansing procedure.

Tonic for sensitive skin L’Oréal Paris “Absolute tenderness” © rivegauche

  1. The skin also needs deeper cleansing, but it should not be done often: once or twice a week will be enough. Use scrubs in the summer (check out the Endless Fresh Double Scrub for normal skin from L’Oréal Paris) or peels with fruit acids in the winter to stimulate skin renewal, providing it with freshness and a healthy glow. Cleansing masks (for example, with clay) are also useful - use them if inflammation appears on the skin.

L’Oréal Paris Double Scrub “Endless Freshness” © rivegauche

  1. Remember the importance of cleansing, but do not overuse this procedure - so as not to harm the skin: do not dry it out or injure it (microdamage over time “results” in the early appearance of signs of aging).

Monique Lhuillier © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Other rules for cleansing facial skin

  1. Dermatologists do not recommend using soap to cleanse your face - it dries the skin and can lead to dehydration.
  1. Do not rub the skin, especially in the areas around the eyes: this can lead to irritation - these areas are especially delicate and sensitive.
  1. If you use a product with a gel texture to cleanse, apply it with massage circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Don't forget to treat the skin of your neck.
  1. If you suddenly run out of cleanser, olive oil will come to the rescue - it will do an excellent job of removing makeup from the face.
  1. After cleansing, do not rub wet skin with a towel - lightly blot it or walk with a dry, clean cotton pad.

Facial cleansing for different skin types

Dermatologists advise choosing a method of cleansing the skin depending on its characteristics. For combination, dry, oily and other types, different methods and products are suitable.

Cleansing combination skin

If you have combination skin, use gels and scrubs with caution: they often dry out the skin. The best choice for cleansing is tonic or milk, which will also moisturize it.

Giorgio Armani Cleansing Milk © armanibeauty

Cleansing dry facial skin

How do you know if a product is not right for you? If after using it you feel like your skin is tight, then the formula does not contain enough moisturizing ingredients. Put away scrubs and soaps, and always read the ingredients: it should not contain alcohol.

Lancôme Galatée Confort © lancome cleansing milk for dry skin

Cleansing sensitive skin

This skin type is the most capricious, since most products can cause an allergic reaction. Look for the “hypoallergenic” mark on the packaging: this is a “green light” for those who often experience inflammation on their skin.

Kiehl's Centella Skin-Calming Facial Cleanser © kiehl's

Cleansing oily skin

Girls with oily skin are recommended to wash their face at least twice a day: morning and evening. And also, be sure to use masks, scrubs and peels. What other means should I use?

This is a universal cleanser that everyone should have. The micelles included in its composition effectively remove makeup and impurities. Another plus: micellar water can be used to remove eye makeup (it does not contain alcohol).

Micellar water YSL Top Secrets © yslbeauty

It not only carefully removes all impurities, but also moisturizes the skin.

They are easy to use and fit into any cosmetic bag. But they may not cope with long-lasting and waterproof makeup.

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