Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid libriderm

Libriderm cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular on the domestic market. Customer reviews mostly contain positive impressions. However, they are often impulsive and based on first impressions. To evaluate the effect of cosmetics objectively, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opinions of experts.


Contains information about the wide range that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics, catalogue. Reviews will help you decide on the right product. But first, it’s worth finding out what collections of cosmetics the manufacturer offers:

  1. "Hyaluronic collection" - provides intense hydration.
  2. "3D Hyaluronic filler" - helps smooth out wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.
  3. "Collagen" - gives skin tone and increases elasticity.
  4. "AEvit" - removes toxins and improves the overall condition of the skin.
  5. "Vitamin F" - relieves irritation and accelerates recovery processes.
  6. "Vitamin E" - improves skin condition, tones, refreshes.
  7. "Panthenol" - provides intensive restoration of damaged tissues.
  8. “Grape stem cells” act as emergency aid for aging skin and slow down the aging process.
  9. Miceclaen - cleanses and tones the skin, makes it easier to remove makeup.
  10. "Seracin" - provides deep cleansing of the skin and fights inflammation.
  11. "Keratin" - deeply nourishes and restores hair.
  12. "Therapeutic shampoos" - eliminates dandruff.
  13. "Herbal collection" - deep nourishment of the skin with plant extracts.
  14. Bronzeada - provides quick and safe self-tanning.
  15. "Carbon" - protects against harmful environmental influences.
  16. Other.

A little about hyaluronic acid

If you carefully read reviews of Libriderm cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, it is worth noting that customers are satisfied with the pronounced moisturizing effect. But experts are primarily interested not in the effect, but in the mechanism for achieving it.

First, it’s worth talking about the properties of hyaluronic acid. Its main function is to moisturize the skin, as well as activate fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of their own collagen. However, it is rare to find hyaluron in cosmetic products that matches what is produced by the human body.

It is worth noting that the hyaluronic acid molecule is too large to penetrate through the pores. If you place such a substance in cosmetics, it will only settle on the surface of the epidermis in the form of a film. This is why manufacturers have to resort to artificial splitting technology. As a result, the molecules may become too small. This is extremely dangerous, because in this case there is a risk of inhibition of fibroblast function. The technology for producing optimal hyaluronic acid is very expensive. Considering the relatively low price at which Libriderm cosmetics are sold, expert reviews are clear - active substances are not included in the composition.

Another significant point is the concentration of the substance. Cosmetic products should contain 0.5-1.5% hyaluronic acid. Speaking about "Libriderm", it should be noted that this substance is listed at the very end of the list without indicating a quantitative indicator. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the effectiveness of the hyaluronic series.

Positive reviews about the hyaluronic series

Libriderm cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are in great demand. Reviews generally contain positive information. The following advantages of the series can be highlighted:

  1. contains no dyes or fragrances;
  2. pleasant light texture that ensures rapid absorption;
  3. pleasant light aroma;
  4. long-lasting feeling of moisture after use;
  5. eliminates small creases caused by dryness;
  6. complexion becomes fresher;
  7. perfectly restores the skin after sunbathing;
  8. Suitable for any skin type.

Negative reviews about the hyaluronic series

Not only specialists, but also ordinary customers discover some of the shortcomings that characterize Libriderm hyaluronic cosmetics. Reviews contain the following negative information:

  1. not suitable for use in winter;
  2. with prolonged use, pores become clogged and subcutaneous inflammation appears;
  3. there is an addictive effect, and therefore over time the hydration becomes less pronounced.

Series "AEVIT"

Considering the benefits of vitamins for the skin, the popularity enjoyed by AEvit Libriderm cosmetics is understandable. Reviews from experts are based primarily on an analysis of the components that are included in the composition.

One of the most popular products in this series is the nourishing cream. After analyzing its composition, complaints arise about the name. The cream has no right to be called nourishing. It is rather a light antioxidant. Considering that vitamins A and E are at the end of the list, and their concentration is unknown, it is impossible to say how pronounced the effect will be. The main share of the composition is emollients. These substances soften the skin well, but do not nourish it, much less restore it.

Lip gel is another popular product that belongs to a category such as Libriderm vitamin cosmetics. Reviews from cosmetologists draw attention to the discrepancy between the name and composition. It is strange that the product from the "AEvit" series does not contain vitamin A. Thus, it is difficult to talk about moisturizing the lips. Only its appearance is created, which is achieved due to the silicone film that forms on the surface of the skin.

The gel also contains natural oils, which, in theory, should nourish and moisturize the lips. But it's not that simple. The fact is that the composition also contains mineral oil, which has a destructive effect on any vegetable.

Positive reviews about the vitamin series

Many beauties have fallen in love with Libriderm vitamin cosmetics. Customer reviews demonstrate the following advantages of the series:

  1. provides good care in winter;
  2. contains no dyes or fragrances;
  3. helps eliminate night swelling;
  4. makes the complexion more fresh;
  5. fast absorption;
  6. pleasant sensations during application;
  7. contains plant extracts.

Negative reviews about the vitamin series

Not everyone liked the vitamin cosmetics "Libriderm". Reviews from experts and customers note the following shortcomings:

  1. an allergic reaction often occurs;
  2. the feeling of moisture is short-lived;
  3. specific aroma;
  4. the products cannot be used as a base for makeup, as the cosmetics begin to blur;
  5. texture too dense.

Cosmetics with grape stem cells

A rather interesting component on which Libriderm cosmetics are based are grape stem cells. Reviews from experts about this component are very skeptical. To understand the negative attitude of cosmetologists, it is necessary to understand theoretical issues.

Stem cells, in fact, are mother cells, and therefore they can be integrated into any living organisms. This property has found its use in medicine and cosmetology to treat serious diseases and combat age-related changes. However, this topic is only at the stage of development and experimentation. This gives grounds to assert that there are no stem cell-based cosmetics with proven effectiveness yet.

Speaking about the ineffectiveness of stem cells in existing cosmetics, experts give the following arguments:

  1. Stem cells can only improve skin condition if they are alive. Thus, they need oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, it is important to maintain certain temperature, humidity and other environmental indicators. In creams or any other cosmetic products, these conditions are not met, and therefore the stem cells will be dead, and therefore useless.
  2. Plant stem cells are used in cosmetics. Even if, purely theoretically, the above conditions are met, they will not bring any benefit to the skin. The problem is that only plants or their fragments can be grown from such cells. And they, in turn, do not enter into any interaction with the epidermis (except superficial).
  3. Most creams do not use stem cells themselves, but their peptides. Of course, there is some evidence that they can affect the functioning of skin cells, but this information is at the stage of speculation and research.

Thus, experts have every reason to express distrust of manufacturers who claim to use stem cells in their cosmetics. Of course, it is impossible to convict them of deception, since there really are plant components there. But, given that they cannot in any way affect the regenerative processes in skin cells, we can say that stem cells are just a marketing ploy.

Positive reviews about cosmetics with stem cells

Despite the arguments of experts, women cannot resist experimenting with new products. Thus, Libriderm cosmetics with grape stem cells received the following reviews:

  1. pleasant sensations during application;
  2. moisturizes the skin well and has a calming effect;
  3. helps remove dead skin cells;
  4. absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue.

Negative reviews about cosmetics with stem cells

Even despite the positive aspects of using cosmetics with stem cells, most customers agree with the opinion of experts. The main negative reviews are as follows:

  1. there are no visible changes in the condition of the skin;
  2. overcharge;
  3. not a very pleasant aroma after prolonged use;
  4. the promises made by the manufacturer are not fulfilled.

Collagen series

The best indicator of effectiveness that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics is reviews. For 35 years old, a series with collagen is recommended. This substance is a protein that is one of the structural components of human skin. It is elastin that is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. But, as in the case of hyaluronic acid, collagen molecules are quite large, and therefore have to be broken down through hydrolysis. This technology is quite expensive, which does not correspond to the stated price of Libriderm cosmetics. Thus, most likely, the substance simply settles on the surface of the skin.

The manufacturer claims the presence of matrikins in the complex. This formula was developed and patented by a famous cosmetology company that produces anti-aging cosmetics. This complex is distinguished by its high cost, which is in no way consistent with the price of Libriderm cosmetics. In addition, the recommended concentration of the complex is 2%. And given that the manufacturer does not indicate the value of this indicator, it is difficult to draw specific conclusions.

The main cosmetic effect of the collagen series is due to the presence of glycerin and castor oil in the composition. Thus, upon application, moisturizing is felt, but no therapeutic effect can be expected.

Positive reviews about the collagen series "Libriderm"

Reviews from cosmetologists will help you understand whether Libriderm cosmetics are worthy of attention. For those aged 35 and older, it is quite difficult to choose the right products. So, you can hear the following positive reviews about the collagen series:

  1. minimum amount of harmful components in the composition;
  2. the absence of a strong aroma that could mix with the perfume;
  3. in the first few hours after use, the skin becomes denser (according to tactile sensations);
  4. absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy shine or unpleasant mask effect;
  5. light, pleasant texture that ensures comfortable application;
  6. immediately after application there is a significant increase in tone;
  7. small creases are smoothed out, but the effect is temporary.

Negative reviews about collagen cosmetics "Libriderm"

Collagen facial cosmetics "Libriderm" causes a lot of controversy among specialists and customers. Reviews contain the following negative information:

  1. overcharge;
  2. lack of a pronounced effect promised by the manufacturer;
  3. within a week after regular use, pores begin to become severely clogged;
  4. does not cope well with moisturizing dry skin;
  5. A few hours after application, the skin develops a strong feeling of tightness and dryness.


Libriderm cosmetics appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to win many fans. Many are surprised to note that the manufacturer is a domestic company. Another pleasant thing is that most of the products are manufactured in accordance with GOST. A pleasant addition to the overall picture is the bright packaging design, as well as an active advertising campaign. If we talk about the price, then it is clearly not budget. But “Libriderm” cannot be called elite cosmetics (neither in composition nor in cost).

The Libriderm company declares its products as cosmeceutical. This refers to the use of effective components that should produce a pronounced therapeutic effect on the skin. Nevertheless, experts say that Libriderm has little in common with cosmeceuticals. These are relatively inexpensive products that are based on the substitution effect. For example, the deep hydration that hyaluron should provide does not actually occur. Users notice only the cosmetic effect, which is achieved due to the silicones contained in the composition. And all the substances that should play the role of the main ones are presented only nominally, as can be judged by their location at the end of the list.

Libriderm creams have an amazing effect on the skin. The products of this brand are distinguished by a diverse range. Thanks to this, every girl will be able to choose the optimal solution depending on the individual characteristics of her face. In this case, you need to take into account your skin type and the composition of the cream.

Composition and beneficial properties

Libriderm products are very popular. This is due to its unique composition, which provides skin care and has a healing and restorative effect. Libriderm creams contain exclusively natural elements.

The key advantages of the product include the following:

  1. Affordable price. Almost all women can afford products from this brand.
  2. Long lasting effect. The result after using cosmetics is achieved quite quickly and lasts for a long time.
  3. Natural ingredients. Thanks to this, the brand’s products are completely harmless to the face.
  4. A wide range of. This allows each girl to choose the optimal product.
  5. Ergonomic packaging. The presence of dispensers ensures more economical use of products.

Libriderm creams for the face and neck do not hide skin imperfections, but eliminate them. Thanks to the integrated use of products, the skin becomes more beautiful and healthy. This is achieved through cell regeneration and rejuvenation.

The company's main line of creams

This Russian company offers quite a lot of products. According to numerous reviews, the best Libriderm face creams include the following:

  1. with vitamins A and E – ensure skin health;
  2. with hyaluronic acid – prevent premature aging of the dermis;
  3. with collagen – eliminate wrinkles.

The brand's products can be used by women of different age categories. At the same time, it is important to choose a specific product correctly.

Creams with hyaluronic acid

The use of such products helps improve blood circulation and make the dermis smoother and tighter. Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, creams successfully increase the tone of the epithelium.

BB cream

The brand offers a product called All-in-ONE. This is a multifunctional substance, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. With its help, it is possible to even out skin tone, eliminate minor epithelial imperfections, and make the face more well-groomed in appearance.

The composition contains the following components:

  1. glycerol;
  2. hyaluronic acid;
  3. camelina oil;
  4. demineralized water;
  5. alcohols.

This is not a complete list of components. This composition has an oily texture and is absorbed fairly quickly. It does not clog pores and does not cause breakouts. The product is evenly distributed. It can be easily removed with makeup remover cosmetics.

The advantage of the product is that it does not highlight flaking and lasts well all day. The product is ideal for warm weather. It has a single tone that suits all skin types. At the same time, the composition is not able to mask age spots, rashes and inflammation.

Libriderm BB cream makes the face more fresh and well-groomed. It can be used as a light foundation. The product is also suitable as a base for make-up.

Moisturizing cream

The composition provides excellent hydration of the epithelium. Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid can be used for all types of dermis, as it has an incredibly light structure.
Libriderm moisturizing cream has an unobtrusive scent. When applied in a thin layer, the product is easily absorbed. After using it, there is no greasy shine left on the face. The product can be used every day.

Night cream

The product provides hydration to the dermis throughout the night. It also supplies the skin with valuable elements. Thanks to this, she looks fresh and well-groomed in the morning. With regular application of Libriderm night cream, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles caused by increased dryness of the epithelium.

The product contains hyaluronic acid, which has a low molecular weight composition. In addition, it contains argan oil. The product also contains glutamic acid. It is the unique set of ingredients that makes the product truly effective.

Eye cream

The product contains hyaluronic acid. It includes a rejuvenating set of ingredients. Libriderm cream for the skin around the eyes successfully copes with wrinkles located in the corners of the eyes. It also helps eliminate creases on the eyelids.

Vitamin E cream

This series has pronounced antioxidant characteristics. Libriderm cream with vitamin E gives the skin softness, makes it smoother, and has a moisturizing effect. The delicate texture does not cause a film to appear and does not lead to the appearance of a greasy sheen.

Antioxidant cream Libriderm is ideal as a base for makeup. It contains the following components:

  1. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, provides reliable protection against the effects of ultraviolet radiation, normalizes lipid balance, and has a moisturizing effect. With its help, it is possible to stop the aging process.
  2. Lecithin – promotes moisture retention and normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamin F creams

Products containing this component are ideal for those with dry skin. Vitamin F activates the healing process of microdamages, prevents peeling, eliminates inflammatory foci, and activates regeneration.

Shower cream

This special shower composition gently cleanses the skin and maintains normal water balance. Due to this, it is possible to protect the dermis from dryness and flaking.

Bold cream

This is an excellent solution for the face. The product is also perfect for the body. The composition has a weightless consistency. It is easy to apply. The product is quickly absorbed, which makes its use more comfortable.

Fat cream

This remedy helps solve more serious problems. With its help, it is possible to eliminate dryness and flaking, which cause noticeable discomfort.

Creams with collagen

Women who want to look younger should give preference to Libriderm creams with collagen. The main component of such products penetrates the deep structures of the dermis, increasing its elasticity. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve fairly stable results.

In the structure of the epithelium, collagen forms a special network. At the same time, its density increases in areas of high load - for example, in the eye area. With age, the fibrils become thinner, which negatively affects the appearance of the epithelium. To cope with the network of wrinkles, it is worth using collagen formulations.

Rejuvenating gel cream

This substance is used to care for the skin around the eyes. To get a noticeable effect, the composition is applied twice a day. It is recommended to do this for 2 months. To maintain the results obtained, repeat courses lasting at least 1 month are carried out.

Cream for face, neck and décolleté

This product leaves your skin amazingly smooth. Cosmetologists advise using it on the back of the neck. Many women neglect to care for this area. As a result, wrinkles appear there that show age.

Daily cream

This substance provides a rejuvenating effect and protects against ultraviolet radiation. The cream formula contains biomimetic ingredients. They are analogues of natural peptides found in the skin. Thanks to the presence of this element, it is possible to normalize the composition of cells and start regeneration processes.

Night cream

Its formula resembles that of a daytime product. There is no SPF factor in the night product. It also includes shea butter and almond butter. These components of Libriderm night cream are required to normalize the structure of the dermis and adequate nutrition of the epithelium.

Creams “Aevit”

This category includes Libriderm nourishing cream. The company positions it as anti-aging, providing excellent facial skin care.

Aevit cream includes the following components:

  1. The combination of vitamins A and E helps to avoid premature aging of cells, enhances the regenerative capabilities of the dermis, and improves collagen production. This allows you to achieve skin rejuvenation.
  2. Plant extracts protect against ultraviolet radiation, saturate the dermis with energy and accelerate metabolic processes.

Libriderm nourishing face cream does not include synthetic components to improve the color or smell of the product. These effects can be achieved through the addition of plant extracts.
To achieve noticeable results, your face must be cleansed before applying the product. The substance is then applied and rubbed in until it is completely absorbed. This is recommended to be done in the morning and evening. After 8 weeks of use of the composition it is necessary to interrupt.

3D fillers Libriderm

This is an innovative development that significantly improves the appearance of the epithelium. Libriderm 3D cream helps visually eliminate wrinkles. After the first application, the dermis becomes smooth and its tone increases.

With constant use of the composition, the risk of wrinkles is eliminated. Libriderm 3D filler creams contain the following components:

  1. natural extracts – cope with dark circles;
  2. Matrikines are special molecules that improve collagen synthesis and eliminate severe wrinkles;
  3. spherical grains - thanks to the distribution of light, a 3D effect is achieved.

This series includes the following products:

  1. day;
  2. night;
  3. for sensitive dermis around the eyes.

A characteristic feature of the line is the presence of a dispenser. This ensures more comfortable and economical use of funds.

Creams “Seracin”

The Seratsin line is considered a suitable option for girls with problem skin. Thanks to the use of such products, it is possible to cope with rashes. Libriderm Seratsin cream also removes impurities and copes with excess sebum.

The formation of acne is caused by the activity of bacterial microorganisms. To cope with them you need sulfur, which is present in cosmetics. Also, the products in this line contain zinc, which copes with inflammation and hyperemia of the skin, giving the face an even tone.

The series contains quite a few effective products. To cope with severe rashes, it is recommended to apply products to the spot. In addition, it is worth using masks and scrubs that contain acids.

Active cream

The composition is suitable for spot application. It is often called an SOS product. The product helps to cope with acne. It has a drying effect on them.

Mattifying cream

This is ideal for use as a base for cosmetics. Mattifying cream Libriderm has decorative properties and helps restore the epidermal barrier.
The collection also contains compositions that can be an excellent alternative to decorative products. CC cream perfectly hides imperfections and dries out acne. The product does not clog pores, which is an undoubted advantage. The masking pencil has similar properties.

Stem cell creams

To create this series of cosmetics, plant stem cells are used. They are obtained from buds and roots. Thanks to a miraculous set of ingredients, it is possible to fill the epithelium with amino acids. Also, the products in this series supply the dermis with valuable peptides.
Substances are used to create anti-aging products because they neutralize the activity of free radicals, prevent the formation of wrinkles and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Anti-age cream expert

The product contains grape cells. They prevent the action of free radicals on cells. This effect of the substance lasts 6 hours. In addition, the product contains pomegranate extract. It activates collagen production.
Cranberry extract is considered a valuable component of the substance. The berries of this plant contain many antioxidants. The product also contains carotenoids. It contains triterpene acids, tocopherol and flavonoids.

The main secret of the effectiveness of Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid

According to dermatologists and nutritionists, signs of skin aging appear not only due to age, but also due to many other factors:

  1. poor nutrition;
  2. passion for tanning;
  3. smoking, alcohol;
  4. stress;
  5. ecology;
  6. improperly arranged work and rest schedule.

Along with the above factors, the health and condition of a person’s skin is influenced by lifestyle, nutrition, past illnesses and the environment. However, cosmetic companies are coming up with more and more new products to rejuvenate aging or painful skin. These products are designed to fight early signs of aging: dryness, flaking, cracks and wrinkles.

One of the latest products that has successfully proven itself in the field of skin care and its treatment, thanks to laudatory reviews from cosmetology specialists and doctors, is the Librederm moisturizing hyaluronic face cream.

Libriderm cream occupies a special place with its effectiveness and excellent anti-wrinkle effect. and skin aging among other similar cosmetics. The unique formula of the cream promotes skin regeneration, restoration and rejuvenation.

The main secret lies in the constituent components and their active effects on the skin. The effect of the cream is achieved quickly and is noticeable within a short time of use. Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid has undergone a series of clinical studies and has proven its effectiveness with many reviews from cosmetologists and product buyers.

Analysis of the composition of Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is the most important element in the cream. This is the secret to prolonging youthful skin. It is thanks to hyaluronic acid that collagen is produced in the skin, so the skin looks elastic and smooth. In youth, the body produces hyaluronic acid naturally, which maintains skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

With age, its concentration gradually decreases, the first signs of aging appear on the skin, it becomes dull, less elastic, dry and lifeless. Creams with an anti-aging effect are designed to help in this case.

Cream composition:

  1. three-fraction hyaluronic acid
  2. low molecular weight;
  3. medium molecular weight;
  4. high molecular weight.
  5. Camelina oil and natural oils;
  6. stevia (extract);
  7. synthetic residues (dimethicone);
  8. spherical microparticles;

The most important component of the cream, hyaluronic acid, fills the epidermal cells with moisture at a deep level and is quickly absorbed by the cells. If there is a lack of natural acid in the skin, the main component of the cream replenishes its balance to the required level.

The effect of Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid for facial skin rejuvenation

Natural oils nourish the skin and make it healthy and glowing. If the skin lacks vitamins and oils, it looks gray and dull. Rizhik oil helps replenish the lack of natural oils and promotes rapid cell renewal and restoration of freshness and elasticity of the skin. Natural Camelina oil soothes the skin.

Dimethicone is a synthetic component of the cream, but a safe and even useful element of the cream. It performs the function of preventing the release of moisture from the skin. When applied to the skin, this component forms a protective layer as a barrier. It is able to retain moisture and protects against its loss due to adverse environmental influences.

In combination with hyaluronic acid, the natural components of the product promote an even complexion, moisture saturation, nourishment and elasticity.

Interesting fact! The cream with hyaluronic acid does not contain chemical components, fragrances or preservatives; according to reviews from cosmetologists, it is suitable for people with skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions.

Hyaluronic acid, as the main component of the composition, has the ability to reach deep layers of intercellular tissue, promoting hydration, and activating collagen synthesis in cells. This acts as protection against dehydration.

Hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate the dermis and attract moisture, moisturizing all layers of the skin. Regenerative processes in the skin are stimulated.

The cream has a light consistency and does not contain synthetic products or parabens. The cream is completely absorbed without leaving a greasy film.

Camelina oil, which consists of 60% PUFAs, deeply nourishes, restores and saturates the skin, softens it and has an anti-inflammatory effect. With regular use of the product, the skin becomes fresher, tighter and younger.

What are the benefits of eye cream?

Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid has many advantages over analogues, and positive reviews from specialists and cosmetologists. Using the product on a regular basis helps achieve a matte skin effect; the cream is suitable for sensitive and irritated skin and does not cause allergies.

Features of the cosmetic product:

  1. suitable for use at any age;
  2. for people with sensitive skin;
  3. harmless to the delicate skin under the eyes;
  4. can be used morning, afternoon and evening.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, manufacturers from Libriderm have released a vitamin E cream with antioxidants.. According to reviews from cosmetologists, the components of this cream with hyaluronic acid actively affect the cells of the epidermis, due to which their rapid regeneration occurs, and as a result, the effect of visible skin rejuvenation in a fairly short period of time.

The cream is effective in the fight against:

  1. with swelling;
  2. removes bags under the eyes;
  3. with bruises.

The texture of the cream is light, emulsion-like. The composition is easily distributed over the skin without weighing it down. The product does not have a strong odor and is quickly absorbed into the skin, so the cream can be used as a face mask. At the same time, after the cream there is no greasy film or stickiness left on the skin.

The product contains the following vitamins and substances:

  1. vitamin E;
  2. camelina oil;
  3. corn oil;
  4. glycerin as a humectant;
  5. troxerutin.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid libridermLibriderm cream with hyaluronic acid, reviews from cosmetologists, advantages and disadvantages Flaws no SPF filter convenient bottle with dispenser without fragrances suitable for any skin type

What is hyaluronic acid and what is it for:

Librederm cream - my verdict Hyaluronic series (review):
