Strabismus Vertical

**Vertical type strabismus**

This is a pathological deviation of the visual axis of the eye sideways or upwards. As a result, the visual axes of the two eyes converge. When looking at an ordinary object with a normal eye position, it becomes distorted and various visual defects occur. This defect resembles the lack of binocular vision, but is associated with the functioning of the entire visual apparatus and the brain, and therefore is called _strabismus syndrome_. The basis of the method is constant tension of the oculomotor muscles. By fixing two points on the screen alternately (often the 7th and 8th), we force the eyes to constantly work - they either focus on point 7, then raise their gaze to 8, and working according to this point, they shift the visual axis either to the left or to the right. And the brain, with the help of special nerve connections, begins to compare images of one visual point on the retinas of both eyes and ultimately “repair” vision. Using this technique, stereoscopic vision can be restored quite well when the other eye is closed. This method of treatment is especially recommended for adults, since children can “lose attention” (fall asleep), and patients often complain that they do not understand the meaning of the procedure. In recent years, this method of treatment has been developed into the method of “biodynamic gymnastics,” and when “laser treatment” is not used effectively enough, such exercises can be a fairly good alternative.