
The tibia is a large bone of the bony system located in the lower part of the leg. It is the second longest bone in the human body and one of the heaviest bones of the skeletal system. This bone plays an important role in supporting body weight and moving the foot during walking and running.

The tibia consists of three parts - the middle part, the patella and the condyles. The midsection is a cylindrical piece that runs from the knee to the heel. The patella is the top part of the bone that sits at the bottom of the knee and limits its movement. The condyles are the lateral projections of bone that attach to the joint capsule of the bone and provide support to the joints of the feet.

The tibia bone is very important for supporting the body: it supports a person's weight and allows him to move around. The tibia bears a lot of pressure, making it very strong and stable.

In addition to its main function, bone has many other properties. It performs a number of other functions, including controlling balance, stabilizing the body, and controlling movement. This bone is also an important organ associated with the functioning of the organs of movement.

Among the main tasks of the tibia are: protection of the ankle ligament,