Frontal Bone

Frontal bone

***The frontal bone or frontal bone (lat. os frontale) is a paired bone in the middle section of the human skull. Located in the upper part of the parietal bone.***


The frontal bone is divided into two symmetrical parts. One part is adjacent to the covering of the nasal cavity through transverse connecting sutures, the other is connected to the walls of the orbit by the frontal process. Also, between the eye socket and the nasal cavity of the frontal bone there are nasal openings.

Bone characteristics

* The frontal bone consists of a superior vault and an inferior vault. They are connected by a lenticular suture. The pits that are located between them are called the temporal cavities. There are also four temporal foramina, through which arteries, nerves and muscles of the head pass. Thus, the frontal bone is responsible for supporting the brain and major organs, providing strength to the femoral head and forming the frontal sinuses.

* From each temporal