Constipation Proctogenic


One of the common problems of modern medicine is constipation - a violation of intestinal patency, which is characterized by a low volume of bowel movements and a violation of the act of defecation. According to statistics, constipation syndrome ranks first in the world among all gastrointestinal disorders. But why does this happen? It is no secret that poor nutrition is one of the main causes of the disease. This leads to other symptoms such as flatulence, bloating and pain. Therefore, it is so important to regularly prevent constipation and treat this disease at the initial stage.

What is constipation and what are its main symptoms? Constipation is a functional condition of the intestine in which bowel movements are slow and difficult. Constipation can be primary, that is, a consequence of changes in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, and secondary, which arise due to various diseases. The main symptoms of constipation are: - Pain, discomfort and tenderness in the abdomen - Bloating caused by the accumulation of gases - Feeling of incomplete bowel movements - Decreased volume of stool - Feeling of fullness - Having to strain hard to have a bowel movement

It should be noted that constipation occurs much more often in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that the digestive system