Bone Lacrimal

The lacrimal bone is part of the lower jaw and is located in the lateral region of the face. It consists of two parts: medial and lateral, which are connected by a joint. Each of the two bones has its own function, which is aimed at supporting the organs of the face and oral cavity.

One of the main functions of the lacrimal bone is to fix the mandibular joint. When we close our mouth, the mandibular joint opens and connects to the lacrimal bone, which provides protection and stability to the joint. The lacrimal bone also helps maintain the orientation of the facial muscles and also allows for free movement of the tongue.

Another important function of the lacrimal bone is to separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity. This function is achieved due to the fact that the bone separates the nasal cavity and the oral cavity by a septum through which there is a passage to the lacrimal duct area. Thus, the lacrimal bone performs a protective function for the nasal cavity, preventing liquids and food particles from entering the nasal area.

The lacrimal bone interacts with other bones of the facial skeleton, such as the frontal bone, vomer and sphenoid bone. These bones ensure the proper functioning of the lacrimal bone and provide its moat