Kotara Ipochondricheskii Bred

Cotard's hypochondriacal delirium

Cotard's hypochridical delirium (delusional cataphasia ibsychospheric) is one of the types of delusional disorder in which the patient develops excessive concern about his health and the presence of a disease that he cannot confirm with medical examinations. Delusional catafarbism is a disorder that can be caused by a variety of causes. Typically, delusional catafarbism affects people aged 30-40 years who have close relatives with similar disorders. However, this mental disorder can cause a person to develop a persistent feeling of anxiety, avoidance of life, and also negatively affect his social and work activities.

Symptoms of cataphrasia may

Kotara hypochondriacal delirium.

Cotara is a form of hypochthonric delusion that is characterized by the perception of the lack of any value in life and its meaninglessness. Cotard's delusion occurs in patients suffering from depression or schizophrenia, is characterized by a distorted perception of reality, and may also be accompanied by hallucinations and delusional disorder. One of the forms of delusional