Belladonna Leaf

Belladonna Leaf: Plant with Anticholinergic Activity

Belladonna leaf, also known as belladonna, is a plant with significant anticholinergic activity. It is a perennial plant that is widely used medicinally in a variety of dosage forms, including root, tincture, herb, and extract.

The composition of belladonna leaf includes tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropine, apoatropine and belladonine, as well as volatile compounds. Belladonna leaf tincture, prepared from the leaves of the plant and 40% ethyl alcohol, contains 0.027-0.033% alkaloids. Thick extract of belladonna leaf is also one of the forms of the drug.

Belladonna leaf is used medicinally to treat various diseases. They are effective for gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholelithiasis and other diseases accompanied by smooth muscle spasms. Additionally, belladonna leaf can be used to treat bradycardia, a condition in which the heart rate decreases.

However, belladonna leaf has contraindications. They are not recommended for glaucoma, an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure.

When using belladonna leaf, side effects may occur, including dry mouth, dizziness, accommodation paresis and tachycardia - increased heart rate. The interaction of this plant with other drugs has not yet been well studied, so there is no interaction data.

Information on overdose and special instructions for the use of belladonna leaf is limited and requires additional study.

In conclusion, belladonna leaf is a plant with anticholinergic activity that has found medicinal use for the treatment of various diseases. However, before using belladonna leaf as a medicine, you should consult your doctor, as this plant has contraindications and may cause side effects.