
A sternotomy is a medical procedure that involves making an incision in the chest along the breastbone. This procedure can be used for both diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

One of the most common uses of sternotomy is heart surgery. During this operation, the surgeon cuts into the chest to gain access to the heart. This allows the surgeon to correct heart defects, perform coronary artery bypass surgery, and perform other heart-related procedures.

In addition to heart surgery, sternotomy can be used for other medical procedures. For example, it may be needed to remove tumors from the lungs or other organs, or to treat chest injuries.

However, like any surgical procedure, sternotomy has risks and complications. These may include infections, bleeding, and chest pain after surgery. Therefore, before undergoing a sternotomy, the patient should discuss all possible risks and side effects with the doctor.

In conclusion, sternotomy is an important medical procedure that can save lives and improve the patient's quality of life. However, it also has risks and complications, so the decision to have a sternotomy should be based on a thorough discussion of all possible risks and side effects with your doctor.

A sternotomy is a surgical procedure performed to open the chest. It is used to treat various diseases such as injuries, tumors, infections and other pathologies.

Before the operation begins, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and muscle of the chest to gain access to the sternum and ribs. He then uses special instruments to separate the bones and cartilage to open the chest cavity.

The surgeon can then perform necessary procedures inside the chest cavity, such as removing tumors, installing drains, or replacing organs. After the operation is completed, the surgeon closes the chest cavity using special sutures and materials.

Sternotomy is a complex operation that requires a highly qualified surgeon and special equipment. However, due to its effectiveness, it is widely used in medicine.