Beautiful makeup for green eyes

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My friends and I were talking about beautiful makeup for green eyes, and I thought - why not write a guide? After all, I even once took courses for makeup artists, and I can explain many issues more or less professionally. In general, if you have green eyes and want to learn how to color them, read on.

Eye color and secrets

Let's first go over the theory - what colors can makeup be used for green eyes? Some will say that it is easiest to use green, and... and will be wrong. Because if you are not sure that you have an amazing sense of color and you have chosen exactly the shade that will make your eyes charming and not kill them, it is better to stay away from green.

By and large, you can use almost any color - the shades and their temperature scale are important. There are cold pink and warm brown, it’s better to know such nuances.

I advise every girl to sort through her makeup bag and take hundreds of swatches - in normal daylight, in artificial light and in direct sunlight - so you can figure out exactly what temperature characteristics your cosmetics have.

Surely everyone has seen unsuccessful makeup, which when going out looks simply terrible - and so, its owner simply did not take this nuance into account.

The next important point that all owners of green eyes need to take into account is the tonal saturation of certain shades. When I say that you can do makeup for gray-green eyes in any shade, I am not saying something - it all depends on your needs, on what impression you want to make.

Do you want to make your look dark, a little mysterious and magical? Learn smokey eye makeup for green eyes using blue and purple shades; even the Mariana Trench will envy the depth of your eyes.

Do you want to look like a boring teacher? It couldn't be simpler, take an inexpensive satin eyeshadow and highlight the corners of your eyes with light gray-earth shades. Your eyes won't look green, but they will look gorgeous.

Get several different concealers - this way you can keep your skin perfect. And if possible, buy a couple of bronzers for your face and body - there is nothing more beautiful than bright green eyes, shaded with a golden tan.

Choosing cosmetics

How to choose cosmetics? The easiest option is to go to a good store where a stylist or makeup artist is present for consultations, and ask them to try out several types of different makeup on you, and then purchase the colors and shades that were used in the process. However, this is only suitable for residents of large cities - such luxury is difficult to find in small cities.

Another option that will cost you is to visit a makeup artist privately and ask them to give you a good makeover, or better yet, two. A competent specialist will not only select the ideal combinations, but will also be able to recommend brands of cosmetics and individual names of certain products. The downside of this option is that the makeup artist needs to pay for the consultation.

And the last option that I like is to regularly review makeup for green eyes, photos and videos with shade analysis. You can learn a lot this way. And:

  1. you will find interesting lessons that you will want to repeat;
  2. you will become much better versed in modern trends;
  3. you can easily navigate the world of cosmetics;
  4. As a result, you will build your own collection of makeup products that suit you.

What should you pay attention to when choosing cosmetics? For quality and color. With quality, everything is simple - if you doubt your ability to choose good inexpensive cosmetics, then try to bribe a little and buy a good eyeshadow palette from any luxury brand. Believe me, you will never regret it.

With flowers everything is a little more complicated. Are you unsure about your choice? Ask for advice from a consultant, or even better, several. Swatch it on your wrist and apply the color to your eye to see how the tone will look next to your beautiful eyes.

Consider your color type - naturally, makeup for brown-green eyes for a blonde and a brunette will be completely different and done with different means.

Be sure to get a beige eyeshadow palette - preferably satin or even matte. This will be a so-called workhorse - if the shadows are of good enough quality, and there are at least 3 shades in the palette from light to dark, you can do several different makeup looks and not look monotonous.

Buy one doublet with a bright color combination. Pink-blue, yellow-blue, turquoise and peach, gold and brown, mint and chocolate - these combinations will never go out of style, and you will always have the opportunity to add a little color to your makeup, making it brighter and more interesting.
Be sure to use all modern beauty products that will help you improve your make-up, namely:

  1. correctors and concealers - to make your skin perfect;
  2. tints and pigments - for applying bright colors;
  3. black and white kajals - for an open and open look;
  4. combinations of shadows with different finishes - for texturing.

How to make an everyday version

Watch a simple tutorial on how to do daytime makeup for green eyes in natural tones. I would like to remind you that following the order of actions, as in the photograph, is very important. The fact is that different layers of makeup must have time to adhere well to the skin, and therefore make-up must be done consistently and in strict accordance with the instructions.

Try daytime makeup for green eyes in a pin-up style - all you need is a good black kajal, absolutely any light shadow and that mascara that gives triple volume.

First, prepare your skin by applying an eyeshadow base. Then draw the arrows. By the way, if you are not sure that you can draw a straight line, use a credit card instead of a ruler. Cover the moving part of the eyelid with shadows, and then paint the arrow a second time. Add a few highlights - for example, under the eyebrow and near the inner corner of the eye using a highlighter. Apply mascara and your makeup is ready.

Life hacks for a chic evening option

Do you want to learn how to do stylish makeup for green eyes step by step at home? See how you can do your makeup step by step in just a couple of minutes.

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Witchcraft and enchanting green eyes are a deep pool in which you want to drown. The owners of such eyes are incredibly lucky, because with the right make-up you can captivate any man, maybe even a prince, with your beauty and charm.

We all admire the image of the charming actress Grace Kelly, who became the Queen of Monaco. She had stunning green eyes, as they said, the color of Parma violet. Elizabeth Taylor never ceased to captivate men with the beauty of her divine emerald eyes. Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley, Aishwarya Rai - they all captivated the hearts of many men on the planet, and the green iris probably helped them in this.






What makeup is suitable for green eyes?

In order for makeup to really look advantageous and suit your eyes, you should arm yourself with a couple of tips. The fact is that girls with green eyes have different shades of color, for example, grayish-green, olive, closer to caramel and others. The choice of shadows will depend on these nuances.

Choosing the right makeup for green eyes

We focus on each specific case:

  1. For brown-green eyes, purple, greenish (swamp) shadows and almost the entire palette of purple are suitable. In addition, if a girl has blond hair, then a golden color would be an excellent solution. Do not be afraid of copper, silver and peach color schemes - they will suit the owner of such eyes. We apply mascara for an evening look in several layers, and the arrow should be made thin.
  2. The color of the iris in green-blue eyes often varies depending on the environment, so light shades of shadows are suitable for them.
  3. Light green eyes will also benefit from light shades, and dark green should be used to line the lash line or outline the eyelid along the bottom and top contour.
  4. You cannot apply a dark palette to yellowish-green eyes with shimmering golden irises - the colors should be slightly lighter than those present on the iris.
  5. For grayish-green eyes, it is forbidden to use blue shadows, which will simply correct the natural beauty.

The following shades will suit these eyes:

  1. plum;
  2. cold pink and lilac;
  3. copper;
  4. olive;
  5. peach





When choosing a color for gray-green eyes, makeup artists try to choose a shade that appears in the iris. For example, in daytime makeup you can include shades of cool gray color, and in evening makeup - gray-black.

What should be the right makeup for green eyes: advice from makeup artists

To ensure that your magical eyes attract others with their beauty, follow a couple of basic rules.

  1. If you have small eyes, you can't use smoky colors or resort to a cat-eye effect. Under no circumstances make a thick line and do not use intense color for this. If you need to visually enlarge your eyes, use only light shadows.
  2. Designing wing-shaped areas of the eyelids in the corners will visually enlarge your eyes.
  3. Use lengthening mascara or extend long eyelashes (ask the specialist to keep them sparse, otherwise you will look vulgar).
  4. Thinner eyebrows will significantly enhance your eyes - a kind of play on contrast (but don’t overdo it, because thin arches are not as fashionable as they were in the distant 80s).
  5. Don’t forget to resort to a little secret in order to achieve expressiveness and openness of your eyes - be sure to use an overlay of white shadows or pencil eyeliner under the eyebrow. This technique really works and will make your look charmingly attractive.


  6. I don’t recommend using a black pencil for daytime makeup for green-eyed beauties, because it will make your eyes look heavier. In this case, it is better to apply eyeliner with dark shadows.

Makeup options for green eyes for all occasions

Smokey eye makeup for green eyes

Makeup in the “smoky eye” style is intended for going to parties, presentations, red carpets and other special events.
Creation instructions:


  1. We prepare the skin for make-up by applying a nourishing cream to it. As soon as it dries thoroughly (10-15 minutes), you can proceed.
  2. We select the desired type of “cat’s eye”, do either a strong raising of the outer corners, or a slight one.
  3. Let's emphasize the line of the eyebrows. Choose a pencil with a coffee or dark brown tint, which is close to the natural color. Apply light shadows under the eyebrow.
  4. Apply eyeliner, and the contour should gradually thicken towards the outer edge. Now we shade the light strokes of the palette you have chosen, having previously applied them to the middle of the brow area. We place the same shadows below.
  5. Now, starting from the center of the eye, apply a darker color.
  6. Finish it off with the darkest shade of your chosen palette. Apply a couple of layers of mascara to your eyelashes.
  7. Choose a glossy lipstick, preferably in light colors, so that the emphasis falls on your eyes and you don’t look vulgar.

See what evening makeup looks like for green eyes photo.


Daily makeup for green eyes

To ensure that everyday makeup for green eyes is not flashy, but emphasizes their beauty and depth, use these tips:

  1. up to the superciliary arch, the entire surface of the eyelid is covered with a basic light base;
  2. Apply a peach or coffee-milk color on top of the base, then shade it;
  3. makeup for green eyes for every day requires applying shadows of dark colors from the middle of the eyelid to the area under the crease, while the line should gradually thicken from the inner edge of the eye to the outer;
  4. if you want to add depth to your eyes, highlight the lower eyelid with dark shadows;
  5. the final part of the daytime look will be eyeliner and shadow (don’t overdo it);
  6. Pay special attention to careful shading.

Makeup for green eyes step by step


  1. Apply foundation to the entire eyelid. To do this, choose shades of beige colors. Start applying first on the main eyelid from the lash line, and finish with the subbrow arch.
  2. Now we shade the entire eyelid with peach or milky coffee shadows.
  3. Apply white eyeliner under the eyebrow.
  4. Draw a dark brown, or maybe gray, line along the curve of the eyelid and near the growth of the eyelashes. Remember, it should expand smoothly from the beginning of the eye to the corner. Don't forget to merge the two lines into one at the corners of the eyes. Blend well.
  5. We give the eyes a slight depth - we line the lower eyelid with a pencil, and then lightly shade it with a darker shade of the palette used.
  6. Draw a small arrow on the upper eyelid, shade it slightly with the color that was used as the main one to highlight the upper eyelid.
  7. Don't forget about eyebrows. We use the standard technique of shading them, drawing the bottom and top lines with a pencil. Try to choose the color of your eyebrows to match the color of your hair.

If you want to slightly elongate the rounded shape of your eyes, make the line at the outer corner more elongated. This will make your bow look a little cat-like, more alluring and attractive.

Natural makeup for green eyes

Now naturalness and ease are back in fashion. That is why many makeup artists have long moved away from bright colors, devoting their creativity to creating “natural” makeup.


Natural makeup for green eyes involves using pastel or light brown shades as a basis. In addition, the contour pencil is chosen not black, but gray or coffee - to match the selected shadow palette.

Dear ladies, if you want to look natural, then choose the right foundation. To achieve a romantic and delicate image, it must be of high quality and not too dark. Remember, you shouldn’t emphasize your cheekbones with “brick” or nuclear blush; opt for peach tones or light pink.

Light makeup for green eyes is performed as follows:

  1. A basic light tone is applied to the eyelid.
  2. From above, stepping behind the main fold, they paint with shadows from the “coffee with milk” palette. Do not forget to make several movements with the brush on the lower eyelid. Blend well.
  3. Take a darker tone of the palette and make a few strokes in the outer corner of the eye, smoothly moving to the top.
    Tip: To make your makeup look natural, do not overdo it with dark color and do not distribute it towards the middle. It is enough to highlight only the outer corners to make your eyes look natural.
  4. Draw a very thin line with a pencil in the direction of eyelash growth. Line the lower eyelid in the same way. Apply a drop of the base palette to the arrow and blend.
  5. We tint the eyelashes.

See how to do makeup for green eyes step by step photo.



For a daytime look, you don’t need to fiddle with a brush, applying mascara in a couple of layers - two strokes are enough.
Make sure there are no lumps.

Unusual makeup ideas for green eyes

Below is makeup for green eyes - step-by-step photos, thanks to which you can not only choose the appropriate option for extraordinary makeup, but also master the technique of its implementation.

Bright makeup for green eyes is an art. It must be selected taking into account the color type and tone of the iris. So, for example, if you have a warm color type (not pale skin and bright eyes), experiment with brown-gold shades.

Turquoise color is perfect for emerald eyes.


Girls with brown hair should include silver colors in their makeup. Also, the depth of their eyes will be perfectly emphasized by cold metallic pink.


Fair-haired girls will suit olive and bright green colors. These shades are in perfect harmony with greenish-brown eyes.


An original option is to apply shadows, when one color is used in the center, and another color is used on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.


Oddly enough, green eyes simply adore the color red, which will add a touch of audacity and superiority to the owner’s look.


You can experiment and apply your makeup in the form of a petal. To do this, make a long, elongated curl towards the edge of the eye, and also use a palette of green shades, ranging from gold to rich green.


Lilac makeup is appropriate both for going to a party and for creating an image for everyone. We recommend using bright colors only for visiting the club. Purple shadows suit any type, eye and hair color.


Your look will be spectacular only if you use shades of a purple and light green palette.

Spectacular makeup for green eyes step by step:

  1. On the eyelid we shade the base pastel tone.
  2. We apply a light green color to the middle, and then move the emphasis to bright purple, which we place along the top and in the outer corner.
  3. Eyelashes for such make-up need to be painted in several layers.

How to draw an eyebrow correctly

We all know that beautiful eyes should be properly framed. Therefore, dear women, you need to learn how to draw an eyebrow.


  1. First we make the outline with a brown pencil: draw the lower part more intensively.
  2. Fill in the area under the bottom contour with a pencil in a lighter tone than your skin.
  3. We draw hairs on the bend, reaching the beginning of the eyebrow.
  4. Now blend the dark color with a blunt brush. You can comb your eyebrows with a special brush.
  5. At the beginning of the eyebrows, shadows are applied to match the color of the hairs.

Now your makeup will be flawless. The main thing is not to overdo it, because your eyebrows should look natural.

If you want to look like the Egyptian queen Cleopatra or an Indian princess, make beautiful wings on the lower or upper eyelid in a chic emerald or gold color.

We hope that our makeup lessons for green eyes were not in vain. Choose the right shades of shadows for each light type and color of the iris, take into account the shape of the eyelid and do not forget to beautifully highlight the eyebrow.