Proper care for combination skin

Most women will agree that caring for combination skin is a delicate, sometimes even painstaking task. It is impossible to care for dry and flaky areas of the cheeks and oily areas of the forehead, chin and nose.

The approach to different parts of the face with combination skin should be fundamentally different. Then the mixed dermis will delight its owner with a perfect look.

Combination skin is the most difficult type, since choosing the right care for it is extremely difficult. Many women are simply too lazy to use different products for dry and oily areas of the face, and make a fatal mistake! Just imagine what will happen if you constantly apply matting lotion, or even worse, drying lotion, to dry areas? That is why it is very important to carefully understand what your face requires, and we will help you with this. Below you will find answers to what the stages of care for combination skin should look like, as well as what products are best to use.

Stages of care for combination skin

Caring for normal and combination skin sometimes overlaps, because these skin types have many similarities. That is why the stages of caring for both types of dermis somewhat duplicate each other. However, there are some characteristics and features of caring for a combination coat. They consist of the following stages: washing, scrubbing, toning, applying cream.

Washing with foam or gel

Cleansing is important for absolutely any skin type, and for mixed dermis this process is carried out with special care. It is worth choosing gels or foams for combination or normal skin. The product is applied to the face with massage movements (special attention is paid to the T-zone) and gently washed off with warm water.

Attention! Representatives of the combined dermis type should not wash their faces with cold or hot water! Otherwise, such washing will cause pores to expand and cause excessive dryness of the cheeks.

Mixed skin combines the characteristics of two opposing skin types. In summer, such skin should be treated as oily, in winter – as dry. Care for combination skin in summer includes foams and gels, and in winter you can remove makeup with cleansing milk.

Application of peelings and scrubs

Combination skin is recommended for peeling, which should be done 1-2 times a week. For this purpose, scrubs or gommages are suitable, which perfectly remove dead skin particles and regulate the secretion of sebum in the central areas of the face. Therefore, when scrubbing, special attention should be paid to the area of ​​the forehead, chin and nose (work time on these areas should be about 3 minutes). It is enough to treat the delicate skin of the cheeks for a minute.

It is important! After scrubbing, you should minimize air contact with your face. Otherwise, the accumulation of infection in the air can provoke the appearance of microtraumas on the skin of the face. For this reason, scrubbing is best done in the evening.

If a woman uses store-bought scrubs, she must definitely take into account the composition of the product. It should be free of alcohol and alkali. It is better to choose products based on natural ingredients (peach or apricot kernels, ground coffee, etc.).

You can make the scrub yourself. To do this, orange zest, pre-dried in the oven, is ground into powder (it is best to use a blender or coffee grinder). Next, 30 g of zest is mixed with 40 g of natural yogurt and applied to the face. After 3-5 minutes of gentle massaging, the product is washed off with warm water.

Mattifying toner

Complete daily care for combination skin is impossible without applying lotions and tonics with a mattifying effect. The main task of the product is to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and optimize the acidity of the skin, narrow pores and prevent inflammation.

Important! Mattifying toner or lotion should not contain alcohol. Otherwise, alcohol-containing products will further dry out the thin cheek area and provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

The mattifying agent should contain moisturizing and anti-inflammatory ingredients. It is best to opt for tonics containing panthenol, bisabolol, salicylic acid and extracts of various medicinal herbs.

Cream for mixed skin types

Comprehensive care for combination skin must include the application of a cream suitable for this skin type.

Important! Cream for the care of mixed dermis should not be too greasy.

Ideally, it is best to care for combination dermis using two creams. One of them should have a drying effect. It is applied to the forehead, chin and T-zone. The second product should intensively moisturize the skin. This product is necessary for cheek skin prone to dryness. That is, one of the creams is suitable for oily skin, the second for dry skin.

It is best to buy creams based on plant extracts. Great for combination skin:

  1. geranium;
  2. Linden;
  3. thyme;
  4. plantain;
  5. sage;
  6. yarrow.

Apply the product by gently tapping your face with your fingertips.

An important point is seasonality in the care of mixed skin. In summer, skincare products should have a lighter, gel-like consistency. Products for the care of combination skin in winter should be more oily and nourishing and protect it from weather influences.

Important! In winter, you should not apply cream to your face before going outside. The product should be well absorbed.

Don't forget about the skin around your eyes that is prone to dryness. You should not apply the same cream that is used for other areas of the face. The product should be specially designed for care in the delicate area around the eyes and have a light texture. You need to treat your eyelids with the product as carefully as possible to avoid excessive stretching of the delicate skin.

Care for combination and problem skin

The main area of ​​the combined dermis is covered with oily skin. Some universal cosmetics promise comprehensive care for oily and combination skin. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just using certain cosmetics. To ensure that the purchased products are most suitable for combination skin, you should follow some skincare recommendations.

Use antibacterial toners

Acne, irritation, comedones and other imperfections often appear in areas of oily skin. Antibacterial tonics will help you properly care for problematic facial skin. Their main task is to eliminate acne and relieve inflammation on the face. Most often in stores you can find double-action tonics for combination skin. These products have a mattifying and antibacterial effect at the same time. The products contain a very small amount of alcohol, herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid and fruit acids.

Skip scrubs in favor of peels

If we talk about cleansing procedures for mixed skin types, it is better to give preference to peelings rather than scrubs. Since peeling is a deeper, more thorough cleansing of the skin, it will cope much better with the problem of rashes, acne and other imperfections of the combination dermis. Common and safe types of peeling are brushing, microcrystalline dermabrasion, gas-liquid peeling and diamond abrasive cleansing method. These procedures are considered delicate and effective in combating skin imperfections.

Acids will help remove acne marks

Often rashes and pimples on oily areas of the face do not go away without a trace. Women who like to remove them mechanically (by picking, squeezing) are especially likely to develop acne marks. As a result, the remaining wounds and marks take quite a long time to heal, and sometimes even remain on the face. These effects of acne can be removed with acid peeling. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home. Care that combines the needs of combination facial skin and dry dermis allows the use of different types of acids (fruit, mandelic, salicylic, etc.). It is believed that it is best to do acid peeling of the face in the fall, since at this time the skin is less exposed to sunlight.

Buy only non-comedogenic creams

Proper care for mixed skin involves the use of cosmetics with the most gentle and natural composition. Owners of this type of derma are recommended to purchase exclusively non-comedogenic cream options.

Comedones (blackheads) are pores clogged with sebum. Comedones have a very unaesthetic appearance, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them and prevent their reappearance.

Thus, the selected face creams must have a light texture and have non-comedogenic properties. In other words, the cream should not clog pores on oily areas of the face. Also, the product should perform all the main functions of the cream to moisturize and nourish the skin.

You can determine whether a cream is comedogenic or not experimentally. To do this, you need to observe the cream in action. If, some time after the start of use, comedones do not appear, the product is suitable for daily care.

We advise you to watch a video in which a cosmetologist will tell you about the rules for caring for combination skin:

Home remedies for combination skin

You can diversify your care for combination skin with home cosmetic procedures. Clay-based masks and the use of cosmetic ice are very popular.

Clays for oily and combination skin

Nowadays you can buy cosmetic clay at a pharmacy without much difficulty. The main advantages of this natural component are antibacterial and cleansing effects. White and blue clays are considered suitable for mixed and combination skin. Making a clay mask at home is very simple. The following recipes are especially popular:

  1. Clay and starch (1 tablespoon each) are mixed with water until a paste is obtained. The mixture is applied to the face and gently washed off after 15 minutes.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey to a tablespoon of blue clay. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face with gentle movements. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cosmetic ice to relieve redness and tone

Caring for combination skin allows the use of cosmetic ice. Despite all the variety of cosmetic products, this product cannot be purchased in stores. Cosmetic ice is prepared at home. Here are the most effective recipes for making it:

  1. Green or long tea bags (2 pieces) are brewed in hot water and infused for about 20 minutes. The resulting tea is poured into bags or molds for freezing and sent to the freezer. The product copes well with puffiness under the eyes.
  2. Another popular recipe for cosmetic ice contains medicinal plants:
  1. mint (leaves, 10 g);
  2. rosemary, 55 g;
  3. chamomile (35 g).

The resulting mixture is poured into a glass of hot water and left for 20 minutes. Next, I strain the broth, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. You can wipe your face with this product twice a day.

Rubbing mixed facial skin with cosmetic ice relieves swelling, enhances the production of natural collagen and saturates the skin with oxygen.

Decorative cosmetics for the care of combination skin

Decorative cosmetics are an integral part of care for combination skin. Often, those with oily skin need to disguise existing skin imperfections. In this situation, various correctors, powders and foundations come to the rescue.

Choose water-based or silicone-based foundations

If a woman has combination skin, caring for her involves choosing the right foundation. After all, it is designed to eliminate skin defects in the form of bruises, pimples and other imperfections and smooth out oily sheen in certain areas of the face.

When purchasing foundation, you should pay special attention to its composition. Thus, the product should not contain heavy components in the form of glycerin or wax. It is better to give preference to light silicone or water-based foundation creams. Such cream samples are easy to apply and wash off. At the same time, the creams even out the skin of the face and mask wrinkles, giving the dermis softness and velvety.

Meet Antibacterial Powder

Proper care for mixed dermis combines care products for combination and problematic facial skin. Thus, powder with antibacterial components helps fight rashes, pimples and other blemishes, and most importantly, does not aggravate them by clogging pores. Such cosmetic options perfectly mattify the face, hiding age spots, pimples, and bruises. The powder most often contains zinc and other natural components and minerals that help dry out acne and eliminate irritation.

Use antibacterial camouflage sticks

For those with oily and combination skin, the rules of care dictate the main task - the use of cosmetics that have a pronounced antibacterial effect. So-called antibacterial pencils will be a good base for foundation. They look like lipstick or felt-tip pen. The main task of an antibacterial pencil is to hide skin imperfections in the form of bruises, pimples and spots from them, freckles, etc.

Important! The antibacterial pencil should be a shade lighter than the foundation.

Apply the product as carefully as possible, exactly to the problem area. If you overdo it and apply the pencil too thickly, you can achieve an unflattering mask effect. After completing work with the pencil, foundation is applied. It completes the makeup and evens out the complexion.

Combined facial dermis requires increased attention. However, caring for it cannot be called too difficult. It is only important to be able to competently combine the subtleties of caring for dry and oily dermis and carefully choose products for everyday care.

Combination skin type is the most common. But not everyone knows how to properly care for such skin, what ingredients to pay attention to first and when to introduce anti-aging products into your beauty diet. First things first.

  1. Features of combination skin
  2. Stages of care
  3. Suitable Ingredients for Combination Skin
  4. Care at different times of the year
  5. Care at different ages
  6. Tools Overview

Features of combination skin

Caring for combination skin is, by definition, a little more difficult than dry or oily skin. With this type, different areas of the face behave differently: the T-zone is characterized by increased sebum production, and the skin on the cheeks, on the contrary, is prone to dryness.

Key characteristics of combination skin:

intense secretion of sebum in the forehead, nose and chin;

enlarged pores in the T-zone;

frequent inflammation, black spots;

tightness, dryness and flaking on the cheeks and periphery of the face.

It is very important not to confuse dry and dehydrated skin.

The peculiarity of the epidermis of dry skin is that it lacks its own fat and loses moisture without its protection. Therefore, dry skin is a permanent skin type.

Dehydration is a temporary and correctable condition caused by a lack of moisture in the cells. Dry, oily, and combination skin can be dehydrated.

Combination skin – oily in the T-zone and dry on the cheeks © iStock

How can you tell them apart? Here are three tips.

The pores of dry skin are not visible, but in dehydrated skin they can be quite large.

Dry skin practically does not suffer from inflammation, while for oily and dehydrated skin this is a common story.

Dehydration is most pronounced in winter, while dryness is a permanent condition.

Stages of care

Even the most competent care will not perform a miracle and will not turn combination skin into normal skin. But he can neutralize some troubles.

Makeup remover

Fatty areas are often prone to inflammation. To prevent them, make it a rule to remove your makeup before going to bed, no matter how tired you are during the day. Micellar water and hydrophilic oil will come to the rescue; the main condition when using them is not to rub or stretch the skin.


Do not use aggressive cleansers, they cause dehydration, which only aggravates the problems:

oily areas produce even more sebum;

dry ones begin to peel off.


Toner is perhaps the most underrated beauty product. They are neglected in 8 cases out of 10, and completely in vain:

toning helps restore pH levels after washing;

Vitamins and plant extracts in the toner saturate the skin with beneficial substances.


Exfoliation is necessary for any skin type, especially if you are prone to clogged pores and inflammation. Use gentle scrubs or acid-based products to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis. This will help regulate sebum secretion and prevent acne.


Moisturizing is necessary for both dry and oily skin. The only difference is in the textures of the products:

for dry areas, choose classic moisturizing creams containing oils;

for oily areas - light gels and fluids.

In the case of combination skin, the following moisturizing scheme is suitable: apply a gel texture product to the entire surface of the face, and on top of it, on areas prone to dryness, apply a thicker cream.

Deep cleansing

Clay-based cleansing masks reduce sebum production and prevent the growth of bacteria in the pores. Apply such masks exclusively to oily areas (forehead, nose, chin) and do not let them dry: when the clay hardens, it causes tightness and discomfort.


An intense winter moisturizer will keep combination skin from becoming dehydrated, while oil-based serums will help prevent moisture loss in drier areas. So feel free to apply a nourishing formula over your moisturizer.

Suitable Ingredients for Combination Skin

In the case of combination skin, you will have to read labels with double attention to meet the needs of both oily and dry areas on the face.

Care for combination skin.

Glycerin and hyaluronic acid - hygroscopic agents that create a moisture-retaining barrier on the skin.

Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, slow down oxidative processes, protecting cells from the negative effects of free radicals and prolonging the youth of the skin.

Lipid replenishing components (solid oils and essences) prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin, which is especially important for areas prone to dryness.

Clay and zinc absorb sebum and have a bactericidal effect, so they are often included in cleansing face masks.

Retinoids and acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic) stimulate skin renewal and exfoliate dead cells. Regular exfoliation prevents the appearance of both wrinkles and acne.

Panthenol has a calming effect and, in addition, is a good hydrofixative.

Care at different times of the year

Among the factors influencing the features of care for combination skin, among other things, is seasonality.

In summer

During the warm season, the skin reduces sebum production and actively loses moisture. To prevent this process, it should, of course, be intensively moisturized, choosing light textures. For example, replace the classic cream with a gel or fluid that does not clog pores or cause inflammation.

In winter, combination skin reduces oiliness in the T-zone © iStock

in winter

Temperature changes, dry air, frost and wind have a destructive effect on the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dry, prone to irritation and peeling. To avoid this situation, apply an intensive protective cream to your face before going outside, and use moisturizing masks at home.

Care at different ages

Obviously, time affects the body - with the onset of maturity, the skin becomes drier and its needs change. In short, the cream that you liked at 20 will no longer cope with its task at 40.

Up to 25 years

Combination skin still needs high-quality moisturizing and non-aggressive cleansing. However, due to its characteristics, it can be prone to acne. It is quite possible to prevent and reduce pimples by using cosmetics with acids and cleansing masks.

After 25 years

During this period, it will not hurt to add products with antioxidants to your care routine to protect against aggressive factors and prevent aging. Pay special attention to hydration - look for formulas with hyaluronic acid.

After 35 years

The first signs of aging appear, associated with a decrease in the production of the body’s own hyaluronic acid. To ensure that this process remains without consequences, include an intense moisturizing cream in your care, and not only in winter.

Caring for aging combination skin involves adding anti-aging cosmetics © iStock

After 40 years

Wrinkles in people with combination skin are usually late arrivals, but after the 40th birthday there is a threat of ptosis, especially if you are overweight. Procedures in a cosmetologist’s office, including facial massage, which can be done in courses from the age of 30, will help delay the appearance of this problem.

After 45 years

A timely consultation with a gynecologist before the onset of menopause will not only prolong the youth of the skin, but also relieve the discomfort that accompanies this difficult period.

As for care, you will need “heavy artillery” in the form of powerful anti-aging ingredients such as retinol. Its derivatives - retinoids - accelerate the process of cell renewal, which can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles and restore tone and a fresh look to the face.

Tools Overview

Below you will find everything you need for combination skin.


Cleansing products.

Blemish & Age Cleansing Toner for Skin with Acne and Age-related Changes, SkinCeuticals. This product is ideal for mature combination skin prone to inflammation: a complex of salicylic and glycolic acids will provide gentle exfoliation, relevant for daily care.

Micellar makeup remover lotion Normaderm, Vichy. The soft formula does not dry out the skin, and the zinc in its composition has a sebum-regulating effect. The lotion removes even stubborn makeup and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Micellar gel Rosaliac, La Roche-Posay. A soft gel with moisturizing ingredients gently cleanses and soothes the skin. Can be used as a first or second step of cleansing, suitable for sensitive skin.

Exfoliation and deep cleansing

Products for exfoliation and deep cleansing.

Corrective agent Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay. The combination of acids and niacinamide eliminates inflammation in a short time, drying it out and suppressing bacterial activity in the pores. The product is recommended for local use.

Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Instant Skin Glow Mask, Kiehl’s. Turmeric and cranberry seeds energize the skin, making the mask an ideal “quick-response” product to use before a big event.

Mask “Magic of clay. Exfoliation and tightening of pores”, L’Oréal Paris. Thanks to the content of three types of clay and seaweed extract, the mask not only cleanses pores, but also restores the mineral balance of the skin.

Hydration and nutrition

Products for hydration and nutrition.

Softening cream for oily skin “Vitalizing Moisture”, Garnier. The light texture does not clog pores; the complex of plant extracts in the composition deeply moisturizes the skin.

Midnight Recovery Concentrate, Kiehl's. The combination of squalane and plant oils of rose hips, rose and rosemary intensively restores the moisture barrier, preventing the evaporation of water from skin cells.

Cream with a light texture “Luxury Nutrition”, L’Oréal Paris. Valuable oils, calcium and jasmine extract help the skin maintain lipid balance and stimulate the restoration of cellular structure.

Mixed skin type, also known as combination, is the most common among other types. It requires no less attention and care.

There are some features and recommendations on how to care for combination skin, but not everyone knows about it.

To maintain the natural healthy color of the dermis, a healthy appearance and eliminate imperfections, an integrated approach will be required.

This type of epidermis requires a special approach, careful selection of cosmetics and care products and procedures.

How to properly care for combination skin, what products you should pay attention to, at what time you need to pay attention to anti-aging products and what stages of procedures should be performed, read more about this.

Features of the dermis type

Combination skin is characterized by increased sebum production in the T-zone. This area is represented by the forehead, nose and chin.

In this part, the skin becomes oily, acne can be localized and pores can expand.

The cheek area is covered with normal skin. Often, dry and flaking-prone dermis is localized in this area. This leads to premature aging of the epidermis.

For these reasons, all products for combination skin must contain all the components and perform all the functions that meet the requirements of two dermis types at once.

In the absence of such cosmetic and care products, you will need to select several products at once - for combination skin and normal or dry.

A distinctive feature of this type of dermis is its heterogeneity in color.

The cause of combination skin is a large accumulation of sebaceous glands in the T-zone. In the cheek area they may be completely absent.

With excessive sebum secretion, the T-zone is covered with an upper ball in the form of a greasy film.

The cause of increased sebum production is a male hormone called testosterone. It actively stimulates the sebaceous glands.

The area of ​​distribution of combination facial skin occurs in young and young women. Upon reaching 30 years of age, the dermis changes its structure and type in favor and becomes normal. This is explained by the normalization of the excretory function of sebum.

Care instructions

As with any type of epidermis, it is important to properly care for combination skin. For this purpose, a whole range of measures and procedures has been developed, the implementation of which must be carried out in a clear sequence.

Stages of cleansing

The process of cleaning the epidermis is important not only for combination skin. The dermis must be clean and well-groomed, regardless of type and condition. How to carry out this activity correctly:

  1. In the morning and evening, it is important to wash your face using special products. These can be gels, foams and mousses and other products for combination skin.
  2. Apply this product to the damp dermis, making light massage movements. Particular attention is paid to the T-zone, as it requires more care.
  3. After completing these steps, wash off the composition with cool water.

It is not recommended to wash your face with warm or hot water, since the pores in the T-zone will actively expand and the cheek area will become dry.

For the best effect, it is better to wash off the product from the T-zone using a cotton pad. This process will have an amazing effect in the form of light and gentle peeling.

The next step will be toning. This effect can be achieved by using a toner with a mattifying effect.

If inflammation develops in the T-zone, you can use a cotton pad moistened with alcohol-based toilet water and gently wipe the area.

Peeling effect

The use of gommages or scrubs plays an important role when caring for combination skin. The use of these products must be regular, 2 times a week.

These cosmetic products perfectly remove all keratinized cells of the surface layer of the epidermis and significantly reduce the production of sebum in the T-zone.

Therefore, it is important to follow the procedure correctly:

  1. The cosmetic composition is applied to the moist dermis, paying special attention to the central area of ​​the face. Light massage movements are performed in this area for 2-3 minutes.
  2. The cheek area is already dry or normal, so you shouldn’t work on it too much. 1 minute is enough for processing.
  3. After carrying out these activities, it is not recommended to go outside, so it is better to perform the procedure in the evening.

After scrubbing, microcracks form on the skin, so being in the fresh air after the procedure can lead to infection.

Performing steam baths

To steam the epidermis, it is recommended to take steam baths. They allow the pores to open and cleanse themselves of various types of impurities. They should be done several times a month, preferably before bed.

For combination skin, it is better to do this procedure with cranberry or lemon. It will quickly nourish the dermis with vitamin complexes, beneficial substances, and will promote toning.

Before starting the procedure, treat the areas of the cheeks, temples and eyelids with a rich cream. Cover yourself with a towel and bend over a container with the prepared composition, which floats.

Spend up to 15 minutes in this position, after which further stages of deep cleansing begin.

Using masks

This skin type requires comprehensive care and one of its types is cosmetic masks. They are the most effective and efficient products.

It is recommended to perform such procedures several times a week, depending on the composition of the product and its effect.

The optimal time for manipulating masks is the evening and before bedtime. It is at this time that the skin is most receptive to beneficial substances and components, actively absorbing them.

The most suitable masks for this type of skin are film masks, wraps, and lifting masks. Additionally, it is recommended to apply compresses to the face and perform a massage.

Application of compresses

One of the effective methods of caring for mixed skin types is applying compresses to it. They come in cold and hot, have their own beneficial qualities, both options are ideal for care.

Before applying a mask or before cleansing the face, it is customary to apply a hot compress. It will relax the skin and open all pores for further cleansing or nourishing.

As a final treatment, apply a cold compress to the face. It helps soothe the skin and closes all pores.

This type of skin requires the application of hot compresses over the entire surface of the epidermis. Cold compresses are usually applied exclusively to oily surfaces and areas with pores.

Contrast compresses have an excellent effect. They involve alternating hot and cold compresses.

This case involves their application over the entire surface of the skin. As a result, the epidermis becomes moisturized, the natural water balance is maintained, and metabolic processes improve.

Nutrition and hydration

One of the most important stages of care is applying cream to your face in the morning. For these purposes, you will need several types of cream - for oily skin and for dry or normal skin.

This is not entirely convenient, but this ritual should become a habit, since the result will not take long to arrive.

Initially, apply moisturizer to the middle part of the face, then rub a day cream with a rich consistency onto the cheek area.

As an alternative, you can use one cream designed for mixed type. But its effectiveness will be less pronounced than when using two creams at the same time.

Before going to bed, apply night cream to the cheek area. The middle area of ​​the face does not require additional oiliness, since oil is actively produced in the pores at night.

Do not apply cream to other areas. If inflammation or acne occurs in the T-zone, you will need to treat it with an antibacterial cream.

Eye area

The mixed type of epidermis means a dry surface of the eyelids. This contributes to the rapid formation of small expression wrinkles and crow's feet.

To prevent this process, be sure to use moisturizers for the dermis of the eyelids. It is important to apply this composition to the selected area morning and evening.

Preparation of masks

To maintain healthy skin, be sure to use the best mask recipes. They can be prepared from available ingredients.

Cleansing with yeast

It is actively used to cleanse the epidermis of impurities and stop the appearance of blackheads. It has a positive effect on the oily area of ​​the epidermis with additional nourishment of dry areas.

What components will be needed:

  1. Yeast – 2 tsp.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide – 3 tsp.

Mix both components until smooth, apply the resulting composition to the face with a thin ball.

The beneficial composition is rubbed into the skin, leaving for 15 minutes, then the product is washed off using a cotton pad previously soaked in tea infusion.

Whitening with bran

To prepare you will need:

  1. Bran – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Kefir – 1 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with yogurt).

Pour the bran with kefir or natural yogurt until it swells completely, apply the resulting mass to the face and leave for 15 minutes.

Wash off with exclusively warm water, then rinse in cool water. Ideal for lightening mixed skin types.

Mask with cucumber and oils

  1. Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  2. Vegetable oil – 1 tsp.
  3. Cucumber – 1 pc.

Add vegetable oil to the yolk and gradually add grated cucumber into the mixture. After thoroughly mixing all the components, apply the mixture to the face.

Leave for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. The final step is applying the cream.

Tomato mask

If the mixed type is more prone to fat, it is recommended to use pure tomato juice for the mask. In another case, you can use tomato juice with cucumbers in equal proportions.

In this case, 1 tsp is added to the liquid. lemon juice along with pulp, add wheat flour, achieving viscosity.

The resulting composition is applied to the face, left for 20 minutes, and washed off with cool water.

Melon mask

If the pores in the central part of the face are very enlarged, this mask will ideally and effectively cope with its task. The summer mask is prepared using melon.

To do this, you will need to take several slices of fruit, grind to a puree consistency, add 2 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. kefir Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. After leaving for 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.

Preparing compresses

An excellent skin care product for mixed skin types is a compress made from natural ingredients. There are many useful recipes, each of which is suitable for a specific case.

Compress based on decoction

To prepare you will need:

  1. Nettle leaves – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Medicinal chamomile flowers – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Water – 500 ml

Dry ingredients are placed in a glass container with a lid, filled with 500 ml of water. Place the dishes in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled and thoroughly filtered.

After thoroughly cleaning the face, soak a clean towel in the broth and apply it to the face for 5 minutes.

This decoction can be used for cold compresses. In this case, the procedure lasts only 30 seconds.

Hot compress based on rose hips

To prepare you will need:

  1. Rosehip berry – 125 g
  2. Water – 500 ml

Rose hips are placed in a saucepan and filled with water. Place the container on low heat to boil for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is removed from the heat, cooled, and filtered.

Apply a compress to the epidermis area and leave for 5 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the dermis with cool water.

Cold compress based on dill and yarrow

To prepare you will need:

  1. Crushed yarrow - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Fresh dill – 30 g
  3. Water – 500 ml

Yarrow and dill are crushed, placed in a saucepan, filled with water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, filter, cool.

A mackerel dressing or terry towel is soaked in the resulting composition and applied to the epidermis for 30 seconds. The final stage is rinsing the dermis with cool water.

Steam bath recipes

To perform the cleansing and steaming stage, steam baths are used. They are quite simple to prepare; for these purposes no additional ingredients are required except natural ingredients.

Bath with black elderberry flowers

  1. Elder flowers – 1 tsp.
  2. Cool boiling water – 500 ml

Elder flowers are placed in the container for the procedure, pouring boiling water over them. Place the dishes on low heat to allow the contents to simmer.

Cover with a terry towel, bending over the container. The procedure takes on average from 10 to 20 minutes.

Bath with rose

To perform the procedure, you will need a large saucepan into which water is poured. Place a colander on top. Cover it with rose petals. It is better to use tea rose.

Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, bend over the container, covered with a terry towel. The procedure time is 15 minutes.

Bath with linden

In a small saucepan, mix 2 liters of water with 2 tbsp. l. linden flowers. The resulting composition is brought to a boil over low heat, then covered with a terry towel, starting the procedure. The manipulation time is 10-15 minutes.

Caring for mixed dermis is very important, just like any type of epidermis. A whole range of measures has been developed for these purposes.

Before starting any procedure, be sure to contact a specialist. He will study in detail the type and condition of the skin, recommend the most suitable and effective products on an individual basis.

These can be pharmaceutical or cosmetic. Cosmetics and folk recipes.

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